Western Thunderer
Not a lot to report this week, since disabling myself last week it's been a week of sitting watching the telly and poking around on the web here and there, today being the first day where I can effectively type and just manage some CAD work.
So I finally finished the 08 door stampings, the art work itself isn't that hard to accomplish, it's getting it to align with what's already there, virtually no two hinges or latches are in the same orientation, unlike the real loco, so each has to be measured on the model and then that transferred to the CAD art work. It'll go much more swimmingly tomorrow when I start some work of my own, no idea what yet, might be some bogie sides or a cab, what ever anorak grabs me first I suppose LOL.

I think I can shuffle the doors a round a little to get a better fit, because of the different combinations of compressor or exhauster you end up with more doors than you need, I'd easily get four sets to an A5 sheet if it were just for one set up, but I'm trying to get all variants onto one sheet to allow for more flexibility and not having to make three or four different sheets up.
So I finally finished the 08 door stampings, the art work itself isn't that hard to accomplish, it's getting it to align with what's already there, virtually no two hinges or latches are in the same orientation, unlike the real loco, so each has to be measured on the model and then that transferred to the CAD art work. It'll go much more swimmingly tomorrow when I start some work of my own, no idea what yet, might be some bogie sides or a cab, what ever anorak grabs me first I suppose LOL.

I think I can shuffle the doors a round a little to get a better fit, because of the different combinations of compressor or exhauster you end up with more doors than you need, I'd easily get four sets to an A5 sheet if it were just for one set up, but I'm trying to get all variants onto one sheet to allow for more flexibility and not having to make three or four different sheets up.