Lovely work as usual Mick. I like the steel slab idea, the fact that you can secure your rivet took to it must be a great help. It looks good for marking out and helping to keep things square. I think all the effort on the frames will be worth it, to be able to view the holes through the wheels is a really nice detail. I spent quite a bit of time putting bolt detail in behind the wheels on my J73 as from some angles it can be seen as per some prototype photos. Plus I bet it would really bug you if they weren't there. Now a lot of the plate work is done what's your plan for fittings, will you need to turn some of your own ?
ATB Mick
Mick, thats one thing I forgot to do on the front frame extension, forgot to put a row of rivets that face outward

I have three options, leave alone, or drill and add scale hardware ones or perhaps try and punch out carefully from the inside, currently option one is wining by a country mile LOL. I have a similar issue with the main frames, I know there are or would be rivets on the outer face, the GA shows the drilling holes for them, but how many would be proud of the surface and how many smooth, given that these locos came from an era where they tried to smooth where they could, would the frames also be smooth countersunks?
Photos are hard to come by, especially of detail like that, again i was in a rush to get the frames squared up and stretchers in that I forgot to add some that would 'probably' show, as above, leaving well alone is the wining option at the moment LOL
Fittings, no idea at all, some will have to be bought, I have a lathe but think that purchase might be the easier option, if only to keep the project rolling along at any sort of pace, I'll do my own etched artwork for the valve gear and one or two other nick nacks in plate work that are too fiddly to hand make, eg cab front window frames etc. Other than that I haven't really thought that far ahead, I just tend to focus on the next bit really, which can sometimes have an adverse effect, as you get so far down the road and wonder why you did something one way, when clearly there was a better way! LOL