7mm Mickoo's Commercial Workbench

BR Tony

Some more progress on the full metal jacket BLP. Previously I'd rippled the right hand skin up under the gutter, it wasn't much but enough when you caught in the light, the only real solution was a new skin; they arrived last week so I had no excuse but to replace it.
Mick, you have made a great kit totally amazing!


Western Thunderer
Good start to this week on the bench, back to the MOK King Arthur and good progress so far with hopefully the chassis all done and dusted by mid weekend.

It does all slow down when you start to add the details but you can't knock MOK for ease of build and having built one before does help aid things along.

The planned 3D will come later, but right now it's all about the hot stick work.






Western Thunderer
Quick update on the MOK King Arthur, pretty much all (sans valve gear) of the chassis done from the kit, just the 3D (test fit batch now just drying in the curing station) to add and a few other little sheet metal uplifts.

The motor is fitted ready for the cab front placement so I can then work out how best to angle it and fabricate a mounting bracket and then it's time to hit the body next week with a self imposed deadline for the end of the month.




Western Thunderer
Double update, a long time backlog lurker (MOK 4MT) at the rear of the workshop (July 2021 to be precise) for rebuild, backhead and DCC installation.

To be fair there was no deadline/rush from the client other than to pick at as and when but now it's time has come and it's off to Warren Haywood along with a handful more for weathering. The final backlogged model will be the Garratt next weekend and then the whole lot go for a jolly jaunt up the A14-A1.




Western Thunderer
Mid week King Arthur update, big lumpy bits front and rear fitted but not yet detailed, next stage are the running boards, valances and splashers, that'll tie the front and rear modules together nicely and then I can work on the pipework runs.

Now that the cab is in place, and the hole for the gearbox cut out, I can now work on the 3D ashpan and then fashion the motor mount afterward; that'll be the last planned 3D part on this model.




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Western Thunderer
End of week/month update, clearly not finished; not for want of trying it has to be said. There's not a lot more plate work left to be honest and then the rest is pipework and castings, which don't take long at all.

But it's now the weekend and that means the Garratt is front and centre :thumbs:





Western Thunderer
Something different today, every now and again I get the incredible privilege of looking over real engines for research and today was something a little special.

It started late last week chatting idly with a friend about models and upcoming projects, one of which is a Castle and how it'd be nice to get some decent shots underneath to add extra detail. I'd managed to get some good above footplate shots of Pendennis Castle and reasonable external shots at the GWSR a few weeks back, but underneath still eluded me.

Turns out today was the last day Pendennis Castle was running on the Epping and Ongar and said person would make inquiries, a text late last night simple said....good to go.

05:00 start to the day and it was glorious, not a cloud in the sky and upon arrival at 06:30 I was presented with this view when I rounded the corner.


After introductions and setting out what I'd like to accomplish (without getting in the way) I was pointed to the clean rag store and told to start at the top and work down :))

This is real Karate Kid wax on wax off stuff :p


Just under three hours later in all it's glory and ready for the day.



With chores done the tour underneath was arranged, this for me was one of two really important shots I needed, the other was the ashpan front and rear, sadly the pit didn't extend far enough to the rear, but I was told it looked pretty much like the front.


One of the detail shots underneath.


And a nice clear injector shot.


By then it was time for the engine to come off shed and couple up to the stock, jump up mate :eek: The driver only had to say it once.


And then we were off to collect the stock which the resident 31 had dragged up the line.

Whilst waiting for the road back to the station there was time for some gratuitous photo's (in quite frankly, stunning setting and I wish I'd dragged the big DSLR along just for these two shots to be honest) for those on the footplate and then it was time to head back to collect the passengers for the first train. I'd have been happy with this short little shunt run but more was to come.



Having arrived back at the station I was more than ready to get off, footplate rides had been organised for other dignitaries and I made ready to depart with one last shot out the front.


It was a simple question and despite my poor hearing I heard it quite clearly "do you want to stay for an out and back ride up the bank" :eek:.......err.......(expletive) yes! So off we went.

You'll have to excuse the shakes midway but that exhaust (or maybe my elevated heart rate) seems to have been having an effect on the phone camera :cool:, plus I think the engine was fitted with rigid top hat bearings and not fully sprung ;) Video is best viewed in HD

About half way up the bank and grinning like a six year old I had an epiphany, I don't care for the football stadium (insert railway of choice - is best) mentality, I don't care what colour it is, or the herald on the side; first and foremost I'm an engineer before enthusiast and that footplate ride is quite frankly, for me, beyond rational description.

I feel extremely honored for today's event and privileged to have met some very nice and accommodating people, for me the footplate out and back ride far exceeded the near three hours cleaning.

Massive thanks to all the Epping & Ongar prep crew, footplate crew, staff and Pendennis Castle owners rep for a stunning day out.
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Western Thunderer
Finally managed to get the Garratt front engine all finished, wired and powered with DC/DCC change over switch; now for the rear engine.

I'll blacken the buffer heads, coupling and links as well before it goes and touch up the odd little nicks here and there in the usual places, step corners, ends of sand pipes etc and I'll blacken the buffer retaining collars. These were originally nuts, but I turned them down to circular shape and thinned them; not perfect but they look a lot better than the original great big 8BA nuts behind the buffer beam.

The digital camera picks up every fleck of minute dust :mad: so it needs a good wipe down before going for weathering.





For the sharp eyed, yes the numbers are incorrect on one side :))

Warren is going to sort that when it gets weathered :thumbs:
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Western Thunderer
Finally reassembled, DC/DCC fitted and tested and minimum radius of 7' accomplished; it'll now go to Warren for weathering next week and then back here for one final check/test run before collection at the Stafford show.

The front bunker section ahead of the gear ring isn't secured yet and has tipped down a fraction for the photos, so that'll need sorting.

It's not secured as the fixing screw is inside and I may as yet need to get inside to add more weight. I've also left off the gear ring cover securing plates as they'll lock the drum in place for the same reason; they can go on right at the last minute.

The backhead isn't fitted yet, I'm missing some fittings which should arrive next week and then it'll go in before transport for weathering.




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Western Thunderer
Absolutely superb!
I’ll be at Stafford with Grimsby and Pontycwm you’ll have to bring it “on shed” for a picture.
It'll be on Warrens stand as I can't put it or any of the others on the Finney7 one :))

He'll also have (hopefully) the completed and weathered 2P tank, LMS 3F, Ivatt 4MT and 64xx ready for collection by their respective customers and with a good wind the 4F which I'm hoping to collect next week to bring back here for reassembly and DCC fitting. That won't be weathered but will leave with Warren and hopefully be ready for the Guildford show.

I'm not sure your sheds will be big enough, it's massive :D


Western Thunderer
End of week (for me as delivering models for weathering tomorrow) update on the MoK King Arthur.

Very nearly there now and it would have been finished today if but for real life chores.

Still to do top side is the reversing reach rod and bracket and the oil pots on the long splasher top, these can't be added before paint. ; I'll drill a hole in the splasher and add a stub of wire to the pots so that they can be fixed post paint. I also need to add a couple of pipe clamps for the pipe going toward the steam pipe covers.

I wasn't happy with the kit pipe covers/trays, they looked a bit too thin to me, so I fabricated new ones up with the enlarged triangular fillets next to the cab seen in later days. Spare riveted plates from the Finney7 BLP were a perfect match for the securing plates that hold the covers in place.

There's a couple of nasty cast blow holes that have opened up in the chimney and dome when cleaning it up, so they'll need filling and dressing back.

On the chassis it's simply pipework, valve gear and sand pipes to complete; it'll be done by Sunday night come what may :cool:

It's taken far too long already and the LNWR tanks are glowering at me from the shelf, let alone the remaining full metal jacket BLP.

Couple of points (there are more I'm sure) to watch out for on BR engines, the small hand rail on the front frame extensions was removed and the holes left, it was replaced by two stub handles next to the lamp irons. Rear clack valves on some engines were changed from bottom entry to front entry, this means that the hole in the footplate for the pipe is in the wrong place, about 5 mm too far aft, I took a dollop of modelers license and capped it with a small brass disc and re drilled the new one in front. In reality I suspect BR just replaced the whole section of running board sheet.

I'm sure there's more but I'll worry about that when I next pick it up on Saturday, right now it's Beer 'O' clock, not too much, 500 mile round trip tomorrow :eek:





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