Nice job on fixing the cab.
Mick, to correct a situation like this, could you offer some direction on artwork? If a U shaped foldup was required to measure e.g. 50mm externally after foldup, in say 0.45mm thick half-etched metal, what line width and spacing of lines ought to be used?
This is just curiosity on my part. Have been deeply 'V' scoring 0.3mm brass, to get sharp external corners, but despite the simple geometries involved, it has not been easy to achieve multiple parts consistently with the desired folded-up width.
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Ah, now there lines a can of wriggly things and tough to answer.
The width of your folds are important, typically the same width as the material thickness but often people add 10-20%, that's where things start to get messy. If you draw to 100% and the etchers over cook then your slot will be too wide and sloppy, if they under etch it won't fold 90° neatly; if you increase by 10% and they over etch the slot is massive and the bend may not be in the middle of the slot or parallel along it's length, if they under etch then it'll be perfect. That (over/under etch) happens all the time but rule of thumb I add 5-10% and wing it.
If you need something close to (I'm not saying exactly as that's almost impossible to achieve if you take the last paragraph into context) 50 mm overall width in 0.5 mm, then your middle piece will be 50 mm wide, minus two 0.5 mm slots deducted on the inner side of each bend. Your fold 'corners' should form in the middle of the 0.5 mm slot, ergo 0.25 mm from each side.
I did some notes and drawings on here a few years ago, can't find them now, but briefly something like this.
The important bit is the bend, the red hatched area actually stretches the metal, the red dots fold and end up touching each other so the fold up thickness becomes part of the overall width. The stretching is why you can never get a crisp corner with etched sheet work, you can get close by deepening the etched slot with a V file but the outer skin will always stretch and leave a radius on the outer surface.
Where it gets difficult is if you increase your slot size to give you more bend room, if you increase from 0.5 to say 0.6 then it must be 0.05 each side, not 0.1 on the inside or outside edge. The easiest way is to draw the slot to material thickness like the drawing and then widen each side uniformly.
Of course this is all theory and etching is like witch craft, so none of this can be applied in a real world consistently, it just depends how accurately you want it to be. It's not unusual for several parts that fold up on several sheets and be 0.1-0.15 different over their width. If you want consistencey then best put all those critical parts on the same sheet, that way if they're over/under etched it affects all the parts uniformly.