Modelling the Midland in S7


Flying Squad
@adrian - thank you for your kind comment.

None of it is cnc machined - essentially most of the parts have been made using a panto machine from handmade patterns.

Crimson Rambler
Of course I should have guessed - I realise my question was poorly formed, with the repetition and clean cut I suspected is was more than a manual cut. I guess a pantograph miller is an analogue CNC machine!

Crimson Rambler

Western Thunderer
@LarryG - Thank you for your coments. I too think the Midland livery was very attractive - especially the Johnson permutations when applied to his delightful designs and Kirtley rebuilds.

Crimson Rambler

Crimson Rambler

Western Thunderer
I have been offline for over a month - but that has not prevented some progress on the engine. In January we initiated the process of changing our broadband provider and set everything in motion. Following several displays of incompetence by both companies and the Post Office which culminated in us having no internet from the middle of July only today has it been completed.

Herewith some views illustrating some of the progress to date:-

Fireman's side tank.

Class N Tanks 002.jpg

Driver's side tank.
Class N Tanks 003.jpg

The two compared - the only difference, apart from them being mirror images of one another is that the bracket for supporting the reversing rack on the splasher of the driver's tank.

Class N Tanks 007.jpg

General view of the tanks sitting on the platform. The outer sides have not been fixed yet and they won't be for a while yet. They are just sitting in position.

Class N Tanks 009.jpg
Another general view this time looking forwards. Bunker stay still loose in the coal space!

Class N Tanks 014.jpg

The cab side sheets have now been added to the tank sides via a butt-strap joint as per the prototype. Also the capping and angle iron has been fitted around the tank tops and the cab cut-out, however they need a bit more attention before they can be considered finished.

Class N 0-6-0T - Aug 2023 003.jpg
Another general view this time with the cab sheets.

Class N 0-6-0T - Aug 2023 005.jpg
The frame to support the portion of boilerbetwen the yanks has been made as has the 'clothing plate' albeit I omitted to photograph them. A start has been made on the cab front and the moulding aroubd the boiler front and the remaining portion of the boiler between the tanks and the smokebox.

Crimson Rambler

spikey faz

Western Thunderer
Nice to see the sidetanks have some hefty looking mounting nuts in place. I'm a great believer in having parts attached with nuts and bolts. :thumbs:


Crimson Rambler

Western Thunderer
The nuts are for 8BA screws @spikey faz - the idea being to have plenty of clamping force so the tank bases and the platform are in continuous contact.

Something similar is proposed for the bunker only the screws will be permanent attached to the platform. Unfortunately the only place where I could locate them is directly above the frame plates.

Crimson Rambler

Crimson Rambler

Western Thunderer
I was asked if I would help man the S7 stand at Warley Exhibition on the Sunday. This was something I was happy to do, indeed it reminded me very much of the earliest days of the S7 Society.

I took my toy train for a jolly to Birmingham which necessitated it being temporarily assembled in order that it looked something like a locomotive rather than the collection of amorphous lumps that represents its normal condition.

So while in this condition I took a few piccies before it is dismantled again to permit the boiler clothing plates to be fitted and what the Midland called the moulding pieces to be added in the cab around the firebox.

Class N - Warley Show 2023 001.jpg

Class N - Warley Show 2023 004.jpg

Class N - Warley Show 2023 008.jpg

Class N - Warley Show 2023 013.jpg

Class N - Warley Show 2023 015.jpgClass N - Warley Show 2023 018.jpg

Class N - Warley Show 2023 020.jpg
The cab steps are wonky because they are just wedged in.

Since my last post I have removed the ABC Mini Gooch motor/gearbox combination and substituted one of Slater's final drive 'boxes - a solution I much prefer. Unfortunately it has left a huge hole in the back of the firebox/ashpan which would not have been needed if ....

Crimson Rambler

Crimson Rambler

Western Thunderer
Due to entertaining friends and family over the festive break I have done nothing to the Class N for over six weeks, however this will change very soon. I have not been completely idle though as I have been producing drawings for Richard Ellis of a pair of overbridges and a small waiting room shelter for the up platform. I was helped in this task as a side effect of an article that appeared in the new modelling magazine produced by the Midland Railway Society - Modelling the Midland:-

MtM Cover.jpg

I wonder where the title came from(!) - and yes it's not all S7. The scan of the cover lists the content. Hopefully there is something within to temp you. If you would like a copy please pm me or contact the Society direct. It is edited by Stephen Lea - of the D299 Appreciation forum hosted on the other place.

Next month the Society will holding a modelling event in Kettering arranged very kindly by Graham Speechley:-

MRS Meeting 17 Feb 2024 Notice without mobile.jpg
This will be open to non-members although if you are interested in the Midland I cannot think of a reason why you shouldn't be a member already.

I will be attending Kettering so if you do attend do please introduce yourself.

Crimson Rambler

Crimson Rambler

Western Thunderer
I haven't been able to devote as much time as I would like to building the Class N but nevertheless some progress has been made including a replacement smokebox. Unfortunately I forgot to take any pictures as I went but the plus side is that it no longer looks like an old fashioned dust cart!

Class N - April 2024 1.jpg

The boiler mountings are only plonked on temporarily for the photos - they will be replaced by the proper ones in due course

Class N - April 2024 2.jpg

Class N - April 2024 3.jpg

Class N - April 2024 4.jpgClass N - April 2024 5.jpgClass N - April 2024 6.jpg

The main parts are now complete so a start must be made on the detailing parts but first I will be replacing the coupling rods followed by the brake gear.

Crimson Rambler

Crimson Rambler

Western Thunderer
At the end of next month the Midland Railway Society will be holding another of its modelling events:-

MRS SE Area Meeting 29 Jun 2024 information final.jpg

This one has been kindly organized by Stephen Lea and is open to members and no-members alike.

There will be a couple of talks along with hopefully a good display of models - to which you are invited to contribute something.

Please do come along and enjoy the opportunity of talking things Midland!

Crimson Rambler

Crimson Rambler

Western Thunderer
Progress on the Class N stalled over the summer due to other commitments/priorities. However I could not give up modelling completely so an old PC Models kit of a Midland 25ft parcels van was dug out. The kit is around 40 years old and coincidentally dates from about the last time I built a carriage! The plan is that it will be the first of a projected short run of NPCS kits with this one serving to see what I liked and disliked about Peter Chatham's kits. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I did like.

The plan was that it would be finished in time for the GOG do on Saturdayso it could be handed over for painting. Unfortunately that will not happen as one thing I discovered I didn't like - but not until assembling it, is the roof. This will be replaced by a completely different design.

NPCS - Parcels 010.jpg

NPCS - Parcels 013.jpg

NPCS - Parcels 015.jpg

Herewith are some piccies of the vehicle - since they were taken there has been further progress but it remains hatless!

Crimson Rambler