Mok Br Standard Class 9f

Dan Randall

Western Thunderer
Hi Chaps

Anyone interested in obtaining one of these kits should e-mail MOK with their intent to purchase. See here....

The project will only go ahead if sufficient interest is aroused and the batch of 75 kits will require a deposit of £20 to enable this to happen.

I've just e-mailed and pledged my £20 and speaking to a chum yesterday, he's done the same. If you want one, please let MOK know and don't forget to tell your friends, in case they've not visited the MOK web site lately and are unaware of the situation! :)




Western Thunderer
Hi Chaps

Anyone interested in obtaining one of these kits should e-mail MOK with their intent to purchase. See here....

The project will only go ahead if sufficient interest is aroused and the batch of 75 kits will require a deposit of £20 to enable this to happen.

I've just e-mailed and pledged my £20 and speaking to a chum yesterday, he's done the same. If you want one, please let MOK know and don't forget to tell your friends, in case they've not visited the MOK web site lately and are unaware of the situation! :)




Likewise anyone wanting an LMS 8F - only about 25 of these have been made re-available and then they are gone. I ordered an 8F + a 76000 BR mogul and put my name down for a 9F. More expressions of intent are needed for the 9F though as it is obly currently up to around 15 orders. I do hope the Britannia happens also.

David Parkins

Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
I think I'm 'in' for an 8f as Willesden locos were frequent visitors to Norwood. Now I just need to find a photo of a Willesden loco c.1948-50...



Western Thunderer
Way to go David:)

That's some fun modelling you have ahead of you.:thumbs:


Well - then there is the little matter of building myself enough MMP wagons to go behind them! Not to mention our Mk.1 Coaches. Thats all without any diesels of course! Good thing I'm planning on living to 120!

Still, as another manufacturer said to me 'just enjoy what you are doing when you are doing it and don't think about getting it finished'. It is better to travel hopefully than arrive & all that!
