Monks Ferry: a layout for the Grandchildren.


Western Thunderer
Yet another busy family weekend, but I managed to squeeze in a little more modelling:


You’ll be relieved to know that this wont be a blow by blow affair, but I wanted to progress this initial part of the build, if only to demonstrate that the use of another type of adhesive - and the biggest threat to laser cut material IMHO - Pva, hasn’t been as detrimental as expected.
It’s been used to fix the decorative stone quoins(?) and parterres around the arched openings, formed of dual thickness watercolour paper. I suppose it’s not a fair test as things go, as the parts here are well supported, over and above - I suppose- that which would form part of normal construction methods, but it goes to show that as long as these kits are built with this in mind, they shouldn’t prove any more of a minefield than say a cheap styrene based kit, and prove robust models to boot.

Finally, you’ll see what I mean when I write that this is built in the spirit in which it was intended: a child’s train set, and therefore in comparison to the earlier photos of the prototype, it hardly bares a nod to the real Blackfriars. However, in doing so, I’m honouring a promise to a good friend by not getting caught up in the detail, and assist in helping me keep within a realistic timescale of completion.

Next I’ll add some token quoins to the vertical columns, before adding the arched frames for the doors and window lights. Then it’s on to working on the first storey which will be a mask for the station roof handle, and which will also be removable like the station roof itself.

Thanks all for your kind words, advice and likes to date.



Western Thunderer
For most of the past year, modelling time seemed in abundance whilst enthusiasm waned.

Lately, things have been the other way round.

Still, I’ve managed to squeeze in an hour or so here and there, and can report a little more progress on my Blackfriars/Cannon Street hybrid:


Hopefully, the first shot shows the re-use of off cuts coupled with recent styrene purchases. Frankly I wasn’t sure which bits of styrene card or strips for the purpose, so some have been repurposed such as those replicating the long sections. Stuff in my possession already has also come in handy, so I suppose I can at long last consider myself an eco-warrior.

The inset window (can’t think of the correct term at press), will be decorated as before with watercolour paper lintels/sills.

Time will remain limited for another week or so, however, the time to come can now be spent in its entirety on modelling, as most of this week’s spare time has seen me sketching out how to proceed with construction, especially with regard to how the building can be split to allow removal of the roof.

To recap: this part of construction is essential, as only when these ‘decorated supports’ in the form of a station building(s) are complete can I finally draw out with any accuracy, the lines forming the station itself.



Western Thunderer
Didn’t quite get as far as would have Iiked (EFC stopped play), so haven’t finished addressing the window/door frames, which have required a slight change of tack having run out of stocks of the required strip:


I’ve decided to include only one set of doors which will be displayed in an open position; the other arched entrances will be filled in as per the prototype, including the provision of a kiosk in one. Consequently, apart from the main doors, only the arched tops of the openings will be seen.

Considering this is just the frontispiece, it’s already getting rather heavy.



Western Thunderer
A bit more:


I’m going to use the ‘decorative freeze’ of the original (the blank styrene band above the arches on the model) to hide the join between the top half and the base, as it has to be removable to accommodate the roof. There’s a gap of approximately two millimetres between the styrene strip freeze and the styrene shell behind. The frontispiece will be say 1.5mm in thickness to allow for a sloppier fit.

The freeze will require further decoration as per the original, and I’m thinking of introducing some signs of erosion to represent the effects of acid rain caused by London smog to a limestone building ( the original appears to be a mix of red sandstone and limestone, but I prefer the limestone/Portland stone type of Cannon Street), nothing too complicated for the purposes of speed - perhaps a missing section of cornice or two - however, I might leave that until the top tier, so I can progress to fitting the shelf for the roof.



Western Thunderer

Erm, shouldn't it be SE&CR ??

Hi Ian.

At least somebody’s paying attention ;)

For once, it’s not a cock-up on my part, thankfully.

There were two (actually three) reasons I went with this:

1. It saved me having to repaint my station roof SR green;
2. Whilst pondering which locos would provide best service on train set curves (I went with 4-4-0s, like the Schools), I discovered that the Eastern Region did a couple of prime examples as presented to we modellers by the likes of Hornby (the ‘E’ in my rearrangement standing for ‘Eastern’ to give me the option;
3. It’s a train set so I can get away with almost anything:thumbs:

And the full abbreviation stands for: ‘South Coast and Eastern Railway’.

Now in Southern territory since the Big Four stuff.

Sorry to disappoint you, Dai ;)



Western Thunderer
Hi Ian.

At least somebody’s paying attention ;)

3. It’s a train set so I can get away with almost anything:thumbs:

And the full abbreviation stands for: ‘South Coast and Eastern Railway’.

Now in Southern territory since the Big Four stuff.

Sorry to disappoint you, Dai ;)


Rule 1 applies :thumbs:. Just thought I'd check though.



Western Thunderer
I’ve primed the fascia:


Due to the inclement weather and cooler temperature, I took the model outside to my modelling room to spray it.

In order to protect the walls I placed it in a cardboard box that had just arrived via Amazon this evening, and shielded the walls with the bubble wrap from inside. Having warmed the spray can inside after storing it on a shelf in my garage, I began to give it four coats of primer.

Unfortunately, examination of the model showed that despite it being a brand new cardboard box, some of the material must have come loose when I twisted it into a makeshift spray booth, the blast of the spray blowing the deposits onto the surface:


Never mind.

I’ll revisit it in the New Year when I prime the upper tiers and give it a rub down before respraying.

Some of the brick surface of the laser cut parts have become visible so I’ll also revisit those areas that need it.

I’ve also at long last attached the shelf which will support the roof; the rest will be attached when the current model has been extended by at least sixteen inches. It’s a big roof…….


Incidentally, I’m running low on styrene so the rest of the exterior frames will be of 2mm grey board built in egg box carton style for strength.

Well that’s stage one completed which I’m pleased to report has been completed in record time (for me). Promising a friend that I’m not to going into too much detail has really seen this progress (I wanted to mitre the valences for instance, so that they would fit round all the edges as I’ve done before, but this sort of detail takes time; and the clock is ticking…..It was difficult to break the habit, mind).

Perhaps one or two of you are wondering why I’m messing with this when I’ve more fundamentals to get on with such as baseboard building and track laying, however, until the builders have departed (they’re due to start just after New Year) I’m just treading water.

I’d just like to take this opportunity to thank sincerely all those of you who have been kind enough to support my thread to date with your kind comments and likes, and to wish you a Merry and peaceful Christmas.




Western Thunderer
Looks good and solid Jon. All the best to you and yours, looking forward to seeing this evolve.

Cheers from over the water
Thanks, John!

It really is getting quite heavy as much of the carcass to date is of 2mm sheet from Plastruct, so hopefully it’ll be able to take a few knocks here and there when it eventually goes into service ;)

It’s a shame, time-wise, that I’ll have to give it a rub down to remove the spattered debris, but until I get my new workshop fully commissioned- again reliant on pending work starting on the house so that I can bagsey the table :thumbs: - then I’ve just got to face the issues posed by spraying in the winter months. Heigh-Ho.

Thinking also of adding some extra decoration around the arches in a further attempt to hide the overscale brickwork which doesn’t feature on the prototype. We’ll see. The only downside - apart from the bits sticking to my primer - is that the dressed stonework on the base of the towers is too flat and plastic looking. If this had been a scale build I’d have added texture like that of the prototype, but as I keep repeating like a broken record, there’s no time for proper modelling……

Have a great Christmas, John, and enjoy your break.



Western Thunderer
The festive season in my household generally puts paid to all modelling activity, although I did manage to squeeze in the odd hour or two to address one or two deficiencies, albeit very minor adjustments:


It’s difficult to identify the changes in the photo above, seeing’s it’s still sporting the same overall drab grey primer coat as before, but they're there; there in the form of some additional ‘skirting’ to the bases of the columns/entrances merely to create a bit more balance to the heavily dressed arches above.

And so, whilst my granddaughter grabbed forty winks this afternoon, I popped out to cover them too in drab grey, which might make it difficult to identify them.

Although modelling in the main was placed on a back burner as described, thoughts about the pastime certainly weren’t. And there was one thought that irked in particular, and it was an itch that needed scratching.

The plan I’d plumped for didn’t lie easy with me. Something wasn’t right, and it wasn’t the prospect of multi gradients, overhead clearances or reverse curves that was at the core of my unease. No; It was more elementary than that: an ‘out and back such as this just doesn’t allow for continuous running, and I think that’s what children like best in a train set. So reluctantly, it was into the bin once again with yet another plan, and I was left to ponder.

In the end, I revisited one or two of my earlier plans, and eventually came up with a design that was a mix of these:


I’ll rough something out and post it up in due course, but unlike the earlier ones on whose elements it’s based, this fits more harmoniously with the traditional 8’x4’ footprint. It even retains the dreaded reverse curve!

As with all changes of plan there are casualties, and in this case it’s my overall roof. It’s just too darned big! So, I’ve called into action roof Mk II which was formerly providing shelter on my Minories based layout, and for which I’ll have to build another when the time comes. Here’s a reminder:


And this is where I left proceedings:


And whilst I’m in layout plundering mode, I’m swiping the low relief platform building too:


…….which started life as the erstwhile Triang-Hornby platform building:


Quite fitting it should end up on a trainset, me thinks.

And talking of Hornby, the trackwork will mostly be Hornby as originally planned as it’s, well, traditional in these circs..

So there we are: a new start to the project to go with the start to a New Year.

Now to get going again.



Western Thunderer
Happy New Year Jon, good to see all this coming together. I misread your post and thought you’d sprayed your grandchildren grey while the slept! I'm ok now the coffee is kicking in.…
