Morning All



Happy to find this forum! After a few years of dithering I'm finally knuckling down to building my first layout. My previous was one my Dad built, which I'm sure he got more enjoyment out of than I.

I'm building in N gauge, but have joined the 2mmFS as I fancy having a go at hand built track. In for a penny etc..

The layout will be based in the WR somewhere, probably a small branch terminus given space constraints. And it's my railway, so whilst there's absolutely no good reason for Westerns to pitch up there, they will! Along with Hymeks, Warships etc..

I may start blogging once I get underway.



Western Thunderer
Hi Duncan and welcome to the forum:thumbs:

As regards your layout and plans , sounds great but we need lots of pics. We all like lots of pics on here:D.

HYDRAULICS Mmmmmm you cant get anything better than HYDRAULICS, especially if there in BLUE;)



Western Thunderer
Welcome in, Duncan

The insanity level in here is great, the helpfulness is enormous and the information available is out of this world! - Enjoy!



OC Blue Brigade
Welcome Duncan BLUE works for me too (its only the old crotchety ones who like GREEN YOU LISTENING DOGGERS):shit: