Eh, wassup, did I hear my name mentioned...
Ah yes, MRJ.
All that has happened is that we all had to get out of the Didcot premises. This was also in part what made me move my business out of the shop in Larkhall.
As far as MRJ is concerned, all that is changing is that Tollbridge Studios is now the postal address for MRJ, you will note that the telephone number remains on a 01235 Didcot code and is connected straight to the folk at Cygnet.
I pass on all mail unopened and have not taken over any control or functions of MRJ. I have however bought all of the back issues of all the journals from them, and new issue stock now comes to me once the subs copies and trade standing orders have been sent out.
These last two functions are now being carried out up at the printers.
My new place is now otherwise open on Thursdays to visitors, it has a proper retail space, but for the moment I am asking that people let me know they are coming rather than just rocking up unannounced, this last just so that necessary Coronovirus distances etc can be observed.
Hope everyone is otherwise well - great "escape" by Jim by the way, all fine here.