HO Neider Stutzendorf.

Roger Pound

Western Thunderer
May I introduce fellow modellers to Stutzendorf - my new project. My original idea was to have a DRG branch terminal in the late thirties/ early forties. I opted for a Br93 2-8-2T for my initial motive power and ended up getting a Liliput one, which of course was the former OBB 378 class, absorbed into the DRG following the German Anschluss in 1938. I had been aware that Roco did the Prussian version which was the DRG Br93 but one was not available within my price range. This caused a bit of a re-think on my part as I had originally intended to base my freelance model in the Rhineland, but the going for the somewhat different loco seemed to indicate the former Austro-German border area instead!

However, this just meant a little more research and as my recent health problems have meant more visits to NHS establishments and reduction in activities, it was probably more therapeutic than might at first be thought. I now have the scheme more or less planned and it will be more of a diorama than a full blown layout . The period itself could trouble some people. As far as I am concerned,model railways are not political and serve more as perhaps misty reflections of history, so I have no trouble in making this a selective view of that time. Followers of my Pence East Goods will know that is WW2 based and such activities have representation, but although Stutzendorf is in that early period I am choosing not represent the conflict in this diorama.

The baseboard is made - supplies of track and scenic effects are to hand, so it would seem an assembly job is on hand. Just give me a little time to clear this health check business and I'll report of progress as it starts. As mentioned, I have the Br 93 and some coaches, so once the track I get some track down........, :) !

Roger ;).


Western Thunderer
Reassuring to read, Roger.

Perhaps a slight nod in the direction of the ‘second conflict’: one or two Great Escapers covertly attempting to board a local train on their way to Switzerland? :thumbs:


Roger Pound

Western Thunderer
It occurred to me that you might like to know that progress is being gently made for this venture. Hobby time has been extremely limited due to a series of visits to various outposts of the NHS for tests to assess the prospects of health improving treatment - further consultations are to come! Notwithstanding, I have acquired sufficient basic stock for what is intended to be merely a diorama with a working railway sooner than a full-blown layout. I have a track layout in mind - I regret my lack of skill prevents my posting any form of drawing but with a bit of luck, next time round will have pictures and the proposed simple terminal will be visible in one form or another. Just bear with me, guys, as I am under strict instructions to take things very easy for the moment.

The whole principle of this build is to do it on the KISS principle, using as much of the material have to hand from previous H0 layouts. I must confess I am frequently surprised by some of the items I am unearthing - things that had been totally forgotten, but at some previous time put away in case they came in useful again :rolleyes:! Added to these 'finds' I have acquired a DR Br 80 0-6-0T, more familiar perhaps as a shunter, but used for short haul work too, which nicely covers the use on the branch to Stutzendorf. This plus some goods vehicles to serve the lines industries should keep me out of mischief.

That is about it for a progress (or lack thereof) report but hopefully brighter news very soon - with pictures :eek:!!!

Roger ;)


Western Thunderer
It occurred to me that you might like to know that progress is being gently made for this venture. Hobby time has been extremely limited due to a series of visits to various outposts of the NHS for tests to assess the prospects of health improving treatment - further consultations are to come! Notwithstanding, I have acquired sufficient basic stock for what is intended to be merely a diorama with a working railway sooner than a full-blown layout. I have a track layout in mind - I regret my lack of skill prevents my posting any form of drawing but with a bit of luck, next time round will have pictures and the proposed simple terminal will be visible in one form or another. Just bear with me, guys, as I am under strict instructions to take things very easy for the moment.

The whole principle of this build is to do it on the KISS principle, using as much of the material have to hand from previous H0 layouts. I must confess I am frequently surprised by some of the items I am unearthing - things that had been totally forgotten, but at some previous time put away in case they came in useful again :rolleyes:! Added to these 'finds' I have acquired a DR Br 80 0-6-0T, more familiar perhaps as a shunter, but used for short haul work too, which nicely covers the use on the branch to Stutzendorf. This plus some goods vehicles to serve the lines industries should keep me out of mischief.

That is about it for a progress (or lack thereof) report but hopefully brighter news very soon - with pictures :eek:!!!

Roger ;)
Good news, Roger.

Standing by ;)


Roger Pound

Western Thunderer
Fellow enthusiasts - this is an apology for absence on this thread of late. This is due in the main to the discovery of an aortic aneurysm in my ageing frame and the subsequent series of investigations , tests and the multiple visits to various NHS clinics and centres over the recent period. The result is that I am not sufficiently fit for surgery and my main pump has been revealed to require a review - well I did have a by-pass twenty years ago, so I mustn't grumble on that score. This referral is , I believe, in the system but of course will take time, things being what they are. Well, that's the reason, so I hope you will continue to bear with me and understand the further restrictions additionally to those of age with which it has blessed me. :rolleyes:

To Stutzendorf. Some further progress has been made and the decision to lengthen the baseboard by some fourteen inches taken and is 90% finished - just one remaining modest section of plywood surfacing to fit and fix, in fact :). Acquisition of stock is now about as complete as I need and I append a couple of pictures of the latest arrival which, IMHO, is a delight. Judge for yourselves:-

A Marklin Hamo Br 85 2-10-2T finished in DB livery.
Below the second picture is at a slight angle to show the super level of detailing on the die-cast boiler.

As a former runner of the original Marklin system the model is entirely up to the high standard I formerly enjoyed with this company's products. It was with this collection that I had my sole experience of digital operation, which was the Motorola system. Somehow I have never really taken to the Lenz type system which was adopted by other makers, thus I now remain firmly an analogue user - I just about know where I am with that :confused:.

I digress!! Obtaining this particular class of loco has led to some re-thinking after researching the class. The Br 85 was a standard design (einheitslok) of the DRG and a class of 10 were built by Henschel & Sohn in 1932-33. Designed as a heavy goods tank locomotive they all ultimately were allocated Freiberg and used as bankers on the Hollental line thus avoiding the requirement of rack workings. One loco was lost (85 002) during WW2 but the remainder survived at Freiberg. The Marklin Hamo rendition of the loco is accurate for the post-war period when the class had been fitted with Witte pattern deflectors. As built they did not have deflectors.

As it happened I had purchased a book "Verkehrsknoten Freiberg" may years back, more by what I thought at that time was by mistake due to my lack of German. However, it is an ill wind, as they say, because now I am refreshing myself by going through it once more to achieve an early post war version of Stutzendorf. The other two locomotives I have can be easily altered by fresh decal to Deutsche Bundesbahn - I have the necessary items to hand :thumbs: - and the rolling stock just as easily dealt with as required. In other ways it will make the project a little easier bearing in mind the whole idea is to use as much of the remaining H0 bits I have lying around. As I remarked in post #4 this is very much being built on the KISS principal, using materials to hand - even more so, given present circumstances. In my usual way, the whole object is, on this occasion, to just reflect the Hollental/Freiberg part of Germany without actually attempting to faithfully reproduce in model form a specific building or area. To take that latter course is not within my skill set.

So there we are - I will continue to progress as well and as quickly as circumstances allow - the ultimate would be that if I can't get on with it I shall have to go back to 1/72 scale aero-modelling which I have enjoyed in my time and it is certainly less demanding of physical strength and effort..........:confused::(!

I'll let you know how the cookie crumbles :rolleyes:.

Last edited:


Western Thunderer
Been itching ( ;) ) to see this, Roger, which also unfortunately has made me somewhat late to the party :(

I’ve always considered that models from German manufacturers display the mass of the prototypes they represent rather well. For purposes of (modelling) practicality, I suppose the die cast parts help in this respect too. Real quality. It’s no wonder therefore I’ve always found them a tad expensive.

My sympathies, Roger, for the rather protracted NHS ‘journey’, although the delay will ensure that for the time being, the construction of this pending Teutonic masterpiece will progress uninterrupted :thumbs:

Let’s hope the book is blessed with an album’s worth of photos:)

Really pleased to read you’ve made a start, Roger.

Cheers for now,


Roger Pound

Western Thunderer
Thank you all for the kind remarks. A bit of a down day today so it's more a time for reading Verkehrsknoten Freiberg again. Plenty of pictures in there Jon, it's quite inspirational.... :) !


Roger Pound

Western Thunderer

Thank you for your kind remarks, so far the decision on the aneurysm is by medication only - the rest of the situation has all gone quiet at present :rolleyes:.


Roger Pound

Western Thunderer
A bit of a re-think............:confused:

Sorry that it has been so long for any news to be forth coming about Stutzendorf. Unfortunately my twenty year old cornary artery by-pass is now showing signs of distinct wear and loss of efficiency. This has meant that my physical abilities and stamina were last seen sailing down the Swanee, making considerable further natural restrictions on my life. A further inconvenience has been the loss of being allowed to drive because of these medical conditions. However, this is not intended to be a sob-story, merely an explanation that when in one's late eighties, rallying round takes a little longer than it used to do :).

So what has been happening? Well, I did extend the existing board with the bright idea of getting it all on one unit. Wrong!!!. It was that elastic tape measure I was using that led me astray and , in a phrase, I made a complete cock-up of the job :headbang:. Further application of thought brought me to the conclusion that the board needed a little more width too so the whole thing requires taking apart to re-use the materials. It is all screwed together - no glue - so quite doable. Further long and hard thinking has been necessary and the current feeling is that the primary rail system, in view of there being a more compact area than before available, should become H0e. Some of you may remember my previous ventures in this field, the last of which which I donated to Blackpool and North Fylde MRC. I have long been an ng enthusiast being a great follower of, and also having the fortune to have met, the late P D Hancock. His early writings shaped my thinking in the hobby and I considered him as a mentor. As PDH himself found, a complex ng system is always improved when one can add a standard gauge system too! Thus, I would have to include a very small area of standard H0, where I could also run my Br80 with visits from the Br85 and 93. :rolleyes:

Thus this would imply a mini-fiddle yard, but that would be an add-on in time. Two levels also seems a possibility too. I seem to be making a lot of complexity but even at my age I'm still a sucker for punishment. But, forever the optimist, after my next Clinic visit (tomorrow) I am intent on cracking on with this and really getting things under way!

Finally, for all the kind comments and encouragement you have sent, my humble and most sincere thanks. I know only too well that I am not unique, health-wise, but the kindness, patience and understanding shown by WT members with my progress is amazing to me. Thank you all so much.

Stutzendorf lives on!



Western Thunderer
Reassuring to know that even the oldest and wisest amongst us is prone to the odd ‘miscalculation’ or two :cool:

But then, surely it’s all part of the fun :))

I doubt any of us could argue with the logic of our former greats, Roger, so bring on the heady ‘mix’ of standard and narrow as you suggest. A sound idea :)

Good to learn that you’re as eager as ever to model, Roger, despite the setback, and here’s hoping for the best of outcomes tomorrow :thumbs:


Roger Pound

Western Thunderer
A little further news - first the less encouraging. I received a summary of my condition from the Heart Function Clinic today. My twenty year old by-pass operation is apparently now well past its best, but after that time I cannot complain. In summary, everything is well worn but care and palliative treatment is now the order of the day with minimal physical activity over and above the norm. The good news is that I shall spend next week in the delightful Vale of Evesham, with my daughter. Restful and pleasant :)! The even better and encouraging news is that construction of Stutzendorf is scheduled to commence the following week, all things being equal. The track plan is nearly resolved after returning to a well-worn plan book from Miniaturebahnen (MiBa-Verlag, Nurnberg). This was given to me by my late dear friend Artur Simons of Derendorf many years ago. It has proved inspirational to me on many of my adventures in H0 layouts and modelling, and obviously continues to do so.

I am in the stages of combining a 'schmallspurbahn' plan with a prototype 'nebenbahn' plan and for once in my life, I am able to enlarge the micro size of the 'schmallspurbahn' scheme to allow a decent area for the standard gauge too. Next weeks period of R&R should see the final amalgamation completed and the various adjuncts such as power feed, point control planning and the like worked out. I believe I mentioned previously I am a sucker for punishment - well, the scheme in the drafting stages could have three levels....:eek:! Well - anyone can do two levels can't they................:rolleyes:!

Now retiring for a quiet cuppa and a lie down - back in a fortnight or so with luck ;)!



Western Thunderer
A little further news - first the less encouraging. I received a summary of my condition from the Heart Function Clinic today. My twenty year old by-pass operation is apparently now well past its best, but after that time I cannot complain. In summary, everything is well worn but care and palliative treatment is now the order of the day with minimal physical activity over and above the norm. The good news is that I shall spend next week in the delightful Vale of Evesham, with my daughter. Restful and pleasant :)! The even better and encouraging news is that construction of Stutzendorf is scheduled to commence the following week, all things being equal. The track plan is nearly resolved after returning to a well-worn plan book from Miniaturebahnen (MiBa-Verlag, Nurnberg). This was given to me by my late dear friend Artur Simons of Derendorf many years ago. It has proved inspirational to me on many of my adventures in H0 layouts and modelling, and obviously continues to do so.

I am in the stages of combining a 'schmallspurbahn' plan with a prototype 'nebenbahn' plan and for once in my life, I am able to enlarge the micro size of the 'schmallspurbahn' scheme to allow a decent area for the standard gauge too. Next weeks period of R&R should see the final amalgamation completed and the various adjuncts such as power feed, point control planning and the like worked out. I believe I mentioned previously I am a sucker for punishment - well, the scheme in the drafting stages could have three levels....:eek:! Well - anyone can do two levels can't they................:rolleyes:!

Now retiring for a quiet cuppa and a lie down - back in a fortnight or so with luck ;)!

Reassuring to find you in good spirits, Roger, with much to look forward to :thumbs:

Enjoy ‘The Vale’, the delightful part of the World it is, made all the merrier with family in attendance ;)

All our best wishes, from Prague.



Flying Squad
Thanks for the update Roger, good to see a positive outlook. Hope you have a good rest and recuperation with the family. Something we all need from time to time!