Nick Dunhill's Workshop - GWR 45 (ex-Brecon and Merthyr Rly) from an 88D Kit

Nick Dunhill

Western Thunderer
This is a very interesting project. The loco started life on the Brecon and Merthyr Railway, class 45 no 50. It was absorbed into the GWR in 1922/23 as no 1670. It was rebuilt in Caerphilly in '35, and for some unknown reason got a Rhymney Rly R type boiler with a Belpaire firebox. The loco became no 436 in '48 ish. Mike Morris has supplied one of his B&M 45 kits plus some etches/prints to make a RR boiler.


The plan is to make the chassis (as kit) and footplate, then the cab/bunker. Then make the different boiler and see where we end up. The last time I made an 88D Models kit was a good experience. They're sold as multimedia kits, they have nickel silver etches (which were very good) and 3D prints (pants.) I replaced all the poor 3D with better 3D (from Mickoo of the magic printer) or scratchbuilt items in the case of the firebox crown. The kit made a fine model of a GWR 155.

First up I made the chassis and footplate. I built as provided in the kit, and there were no major issues. I built the coupling rods first to use to locate the axleboxes. The kit has horn cheeks that you fit into slots in the frames. I didn't like that idea, as, in my opinion, it always leads to the axle centres not matching the rod centres, and this is critical for free running. I always use my own horn cheeks made from 1.5 x 1.5 mm L section brass, and use the rods to locate them accurately. It always works, and you get a free running chassis first time.

Also the gussets between the chassis and rear bufferbeam touched the radial truck wheels and needed a bit of a trim.

No. 1670 had some interesting wheel balance weights which I reproduced.



On to the cab and bunker. I attached all the exterior details first (handrails, safety bars, beadings and handrails) before attempting to assemble the sub structure. I replaced the bunker rear with one cut from 10 thou NS to give myself a chance of forming the curve. The sub assembly is designed to be detachable for paint. It is designed to be screwed to the footplate. I ended up soldering it to to the footplate in error whilst assembling the cab and bunker on the footlate and left it like that!




This is where I'm up to at the moment. It's gone together very well so far. I cocked up making the cab with the original circular-windowed cab front, realising later that it needed different cab windows to accommodate the Belpaire firebox. It was an easy fix though.

It is fitted with an excellent Premier Components PR 522 motor and gearbox which is very similar to a Slater's SG29. It also has a ECU Loksound V5 decoder (sound file by Brian Robertson) with a stay-alive and a Youchoos Lurve9 speaker.

Next week I'll make the RR boiler and see how we can nail it all together.
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Western Thunderer
as it always leads to the axle centres not matching the rod centres
Sorry, but I've designed and built five locos with my version of horngudes that fit into the frames and built two MOK that use the same concept. All ran and run perfectly. The 42XX in the video on my layout thread is one such loco. Shall we say "In your opinion"?


Western Thunderer
I tried using Model Engineers Laser to make some frames for my pal, Tony’s Manor which is still languishing on PD Loco. I drew the frame cutouts to a snug fit on the Slaters hornguides, and simply assembled them, and with a set of Premier rods, it rolled first time. It did need some judicious polishing of rods and hornguides, but no more that that. It’s clear that it can be done.

but of course, this is a far cry from a kit of unknown parentage, where the rods and frames are potentially on different etches, made from different materials, and possibly came from different suppliers.

Nick Dunhill

Western Thunderer
Thanks Simon, good point. All attended to.

If you build a chassis like that using pre etched horn cheeks in tabs and slots, and it does end up binding, you then have to unsolder the horncheeks and reposition them using the rods as a guide. Might as well cut out a stage and do it properly first time. Enlarging crankpin journals, or worse, axle bearings is just a no no. A famous builder, in one of his books, recommends sorting out a binding chassis by running it at max speed overnight to ease the conflict. This just seems like butchery in my opinion, better to build it properly in the first place.

I did measure mine though for my own satisfaction. The centres of the assembled rods didn't exactly match the axle hole centres etched in the chassis, so it would have binded (bound?) It all depends on how diligently you assemble the rods and how sloppy the tabs and slots are.
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Western Thunderer
Like Simon T (and many others) I've built (four) MOK kits and that's the only realistic way to assemble them' the etched slot and tab horn guides are integeral to the design; like Simon all four ran perfectly with no adjustments right off the block.

On the other hand, I've built others where the etched slot and tab horn guides are a country mile out; one where they didn't even line up on each side with the corresponding slots, let alone the rods. I've also had rods where the holes don't match each side and have had to enlarge and elongate the bearing hole and solder in a new bearing and dress smooth.

I think the crux here is the kit pedigree and attention to quality control; etches can come back under or over etched (tight or slack slots) which can lead to error.

Like Nick, I predominately use the same 1.5 mm angle set up, primarily because I can then hide them with cosmetic 3D print overlays, it's not any easier or harder than the other ways but it is less stressful (for me) as I'm in full control of all the processes.

Nick Dunhill

Western Thunderer
The boiler. As I suspected I made a new one. The firebox crown supplied was a poor 3D print and the smokebox wrapper was riveted, and was plain on my model. Also the boiler wrapper had pre etched boiler bands and they always distort when I try to roll it up.

The boiler/smokebox assembly is a design that I haven't seen before. The smokebox rear former is recessed into the rear of the smokebox by a couple of mm. The boiler wrapper is then rolled and stuffed into the recess. I didn't like this for many reasons, the most obvious being that it wouldn't recreate the prototypical step between the smokebox and boiler.

Anyway, this is what I made. I did use the smokebox formers and the smokebox front overlay. The rest is handmade, including the firebox crown.




Hols for a week now in the (not so) sunny north isles.
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Nick Dunhill

Western Thunderer
It's all about the detail, but first I had to make the water tanks. I had put making them off as I was convinced I'd bugger up the fold in the wrappers. I didn't, and felt quite smug about it, but I had taken the measurements just in case. The tanks are made from a skeleton that has the wrapper bent to fit. The skeletons are handy as you can fill them with loads of lead sheet, and the boiler void is left available for filling with electronics.


The wrappers took a bit of fitting up on the edge adjacent to the firebox. They had been designed to fit up to a round topped B&M firebox, and were now next to a belpaire RR firebox. Other than that it was an easy modification. I gleefully soldered the tanks and boiler assemblies to the footplate, once the tanks are fitted the boiler is captive.


The rest of the week was spent adding all the details. Injectors, balance pipes, tank top detail and some of the boiler details and pipework.



An interesting* feature of the loco in the era modelled is that the pipes to the top feed are recessed inside the boiler clothing, but the covers are left off. I gingerly attacked the boiler with a slitting disc to make slots for the pipes.


More details next week.

* maybe not.


Western Thunderer
Great progress Nick - interesting to see the quirks and contortions.

Rod - interesting build notes, it's a shame the 3dp hangers didn't work out, seem like a brass spigot would have been more resilient.