Oh No - Another New Member!

Are you building your own track Noel?
The layout is a roundy-roundy with two scenic areas interspersed with two 'offstage' areas. I'll build my own track for the scenic bits but use Peco HOm for the offstage parts.

An admin question - Should we continue this thread here, or is it now time to transfer to another forum area?
If so, where?



The layout is a roundy-roundy with two scenic areas interspersed with two 'offstage' areas. I'll build my own track for the scenic bits but use Peco HOm for the offstage parts.

An admin question - Should we continue this thread here, or is it now time to transfer to another forum area?
If so, where?

Maybe a layout topic?
The general consensus last time I asked was that everyone just looks at 'latest posts' and that the section titles seem to be largely irrelevant :))