Western Thunderer
It's been a long time, but over the last few months my modelling mojo has returned and I've finished off a few projects that were started years ago (2014 in the case of the OBA's!)
All of these are 4mm scale, and destined for ebay, as they don't fit in with future plans. I have kept a few 4mm scale locos and all of my tank wagons, so something may happen there at some point but I'm planning on concentrating on 7mm scale for the time being.
Heljan Cargowaggon flat:
I need to take better pics of these, which I hope to do over the weekend, but they're pretty much complete:
These are both based on pics of wagons found on the internet, with a little modelling licence applied in a couple of areas. The 33 in the background needs a couple of small tweaks and then that will be done as well.
The next project on the bench will be two of the Impressionist Models KIA Tiphook/VTG covered coil carriers:
The first impression is that they capture the size and shape of the prototype quite well, but there is going to be plenty of detail to add. It should be an interesting project and will keep me out of mischief for a while!
All of these are 4mm scale, and destined for ebay, as they don't fit in with future plans. I have kept a few 4mm scale locos and all of my tank wagons, so something may happen there at some point but I'm planning on concentrating on 7mm scale for the time being.
Heljan Cargowaggon flat:
I need to take better pics of these, which I hope to do over the weekend, but they're pretty much complete:
These are both based on pics of wagons found on the internet, with a little modelling licence applied in a couple of areas. The 33 in the background needs a couple of small tweaks and then that will be done as well.
The next project on the bench will be two of the Impressionist Models KIA Tiphook/VTG covered coil carriers:
The first impression is that they capture the size and shape of the prototype quite well, but there is going to be plenty of detail to add. It should be an interesting project and will keep me out of mischief for a while!