Do you remember as a young child standing on a bridge over the railway line somewhere eagerly awaiting for the next train to pass by? Trying to get the loco number or to count the carriages or wagons? Or to watch the local shunter busy itself in the goods depot. Or to watch long trains of wagons slog up the hill? To watch passengers as they wait for the train? Well now you can do some of that again, except in model form. The Bridge aims to capture the experience as you lean on the parapet wall and watch the trains pass underneath you. Be careful not to get an eyeful of smut or a lung full of smoke.
Two years ago I’d given up with P4; finding that I couldn’t build track to a high enough standard. I flirted with EM but that was no better and I was about to go back to OO. Well all that changed when EM Society brought out a RTR point. Then 3D printed track via Templot became feasible; all you had to do was print the sleepers and rail chairs separately, file rail to the right shape using custom 3D printed filing jigs, and put it all together. About the same time the S4 society announced that Jubilee challenge. So ‘The Bridge’ is my entry for the Scalefour Society Jubilee challenge and I’m back modelling in P4.
The Bridge is based upon Penrhos Junction in South Wales just west of Caerphilly. Last December a 1926 1” to 66ft survey of the Penrhos area from part way down Big Hill in the west to Beddau junction and almost Watford Junction (no not that Watford Junction, the Welsh one) appeared on eBay and was duly purchased. 1926 is only 6 years after when I’m modelling. It not only has the signal posts but the signal arms, although there is one post missing according to the 25” OS map, but the OS map doesn't show another post. The area being modelled for the challenge includes the road bridge and Barry railway bridge (so just the track above the stencilled Penrhos Junction).

More recently two GWR Property plan surveys also appeared on eBay. They were surveyed a couple of years later but give other useful information. Unfortunately the 3 maps have rather dented the baseboard fund by £700 !
Two years ago I’d given up with P4; finding that I couldn’t build track to a high enough standard. I flirted with EM but that was no better and I was about to go back to OO. Well all that changed when EM Society brought out a RTR point. Then 3D printed track via Templot became feasible; all you had to do was print the sleepers and rail chairs separately, file rail to the right shape using custom 3D printed filing jigs, and put it all together. About the same time the S4 society announced that Jubilee challenge. So ‘The Bridge’ is my entry for the Scalefour Society Jubilee challenge and I’m back modelling in P4.
The Bridge is based upon Penrhos Junction in South Wales just west of Caerphilly. Last December a 1926 1” to 66ft survey of the Penrhos area from part way down Big Hill in the west to Beddau junction and almost Watford Junction (no not that Watford Junction, the Welsh one) appeared on eBay and was duly purchased. 1926 is only 6 years after when I’m modelling. It not only has the signal posts but the signal arms, although there is one post missing according to the 25” OS map, but the OS map doesn't show another post. The area being modelled for the challenge includes the road bridge and Barry railway bridge (so just the track above the stencilled Penrhos Junction).

More recently two GWR Property plan surveys also appeared on eBay. They were surveyed a couple of years later but give other useful information. Unfortunately the 3 maps have rather dented the baseboard fund by £700 !