7mm **** Parkinson's - Occasional 7mm Workbench

BR 16T Mineral Wagon New


Western Thunderer

Despite many 7mm items for the NRM and a good few unfinished projects of my own over the last ten years this the first model for my own personal use I have finished! Wagon by Dapol, filth and load by me.


I've modelled in P4 since my teens, I'm 41 now, but I find handling larger scale stock much easier now - I was diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson's in July 2023 so thinking very much for the long term.


I have something GCR in mind when we move in a years time.

My attitude is F*** Parkinson's so I'm very determined with this long term project.
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Western Thunderer
Sorry to hear that James but the F*** Parkinson's and making the most of what you have rather than feeling sorry for yourself is to be applauded

I've probably had a few days feeling sorry for myself! :D

It helps I have great support from family, friends and work - my manager has gone out of his way to keep me working. I'm Network Rail's only signaller with Parkinson's. With medication I'm still working, driving, providing and modelling, all positive stuff. Cricket is no longer possible though.

I'm taking a pragmatic view of future modelling - just so things can continue to be achievable.

Nice work on the 16T.

Thank you :)

Just need another thirty or so!
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