Western Thunderer
I am about to embark on building a MR layout and would like some feedback on the choice of timbering material modellers have chosen for their layouts. At the moment I am experimenting with using Templot templates which I am saving as DXF files for laser cutting. The timbers will be connected with half etched tabs under the rail that can be hidden by a covering of ballast after the track is laid. The ply I am using is .8mm thick which I believe is the same thickness as the plastic track that I will use in the fiddle yard. The advantage I see of using ply sleepers is that you can get a more realistic look than you can on the plastic ones providing the grain is going length ways along the sleeper which I haven’t done on the image below. There was a good article a while back on using ply sleepers with plastic chairs in the MRJ but maybe thing have moved on from there and modellers have a different approach . My only reservation is the bond strength between the chair and the ply sleeper as I would imagine you would get a better bond with a plastic sleeper. I would be interested to hear of any experiences from modellers who have gone done the route of using ply sleepers and what glues they have used.