In the absence of other photos here's a selection of mine. I make no apologies for these being, variously, a bit out of focus/not from an ideal viewing position/camera shake/dodgy exposure. They were all taken in a half hour period before I left to go home on a not very good camera, all hand held and without flash and on the highest speed setting, so there was no attempt to produce artistic images - just to have a record of the layouts for all those who were not there. (Added to which the b****y trains kept moving). These photos will also be spread across a few postings and will have my personal recollections. It's true to say, though, that there was not a bad layout among them. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day - how you keep the quality so high year after year I do not know, Dave, but you do so and I congratulate you and your colleagues on making this the "must go to" show (apart, for me, the specialist 7mm shows).
Thank you for your time and considerable effort. It is well worth while and truly appreciated. Perhaps you'll pass our appreciation on to everyone involved.
So, to start with:
Horfield 1955-1961. A OO layout with great entertainment value - and probably the simplest track plan at the exhibition, representing as it did a 4-track main line with no pointwork. However, it displayed a succession of trains through time, ending the sequence with the beginning of dieselisation. The trains included a truly impressive mineral of about 70 wagons and a GWR 84XX banker (which, of course, I failed to photograph!)
Next was Westcliff. There were a number of layouts this year with a seaside/river/water theme which always adds a considerable measure of interest. This was one of them, and I'm not making any judgement about which was best - they were all outstanding and operated supremely well. This one is in EM and based on West Bay in Dorset, with an allowance for artistic interpretation. The cameos on this layout were superb, and I've included one in this series.
That's all for the moment, at least until I get this glass of red inside me. I'll try for a few more shortly.