Re: Hello from another newbie


Western Thunderer
Hello from another newbie

Hi everyone

As I've been reading the forum on here for a little while, I thought it was high time to dip my toe in the water and say hello.

Railways have always been my main interest in one form or another.  I live in Leeds but I grew up in Leamington Spa.  My father often took me to the lineside with him locally, so I was brought up on a diet of Westerns, 47s, 31s and 25s (and I can just about remember Hymeks).  I spent much of my spare time in the 80s haulage bashing, before concentrating on photography from the early 90s.

I did quite a bit of railway modelling as a teenager, but that interest has been on hold since I moved to Yorkshire 20+ years ago, although I promised myself I'd return to the hobby one day.  I have always enjoyed watching the 'larger stuff' at model railway shows, and as all my '00' models from the early 80s seemed very dated, I recently took the plunge to swap scales to 7mm.  The catalyst for this has been the availability of Heljan ready to run diesels - I am now the proud owner of a Hymek and a 33.  One day I hope to attempt a JLTRT kit of something tasty, but for now I am happy to direct my efforts towards the layout I have started to build.  Progess has been slower than I'd like (mainly because I'm often out with the camera) but the first few feet of track are now laid in the garage and have started to creep into the garden as time and finances allow.

The discussions and info on this forum are greatly helping me to find my feet in returning to the hobby.  So thanks chaps, I look forward to joining in!  :)


PS Favourite colour? You've guessed it  8)

Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
Hello from another newbie

7mm diesels venturing out into the garden sounds interesting to me  8) 8) 8) ;D

Welcome aboard Ant  :D

Phill  :wave:

Dan Randall

Western Thunderer
Hello from another newbie

Welcome aboard Ant. :)

Look forward to seeing some pictures in due course and if you're going to Telford, putting a face to the name.  :thumbs:




Western Thunderer
Hello from another newbie

Thanks chaps  :thumbs:

I have some of my photos here if anyone is interested - - most of it is recent stuff, until I get the time to do some scanning (need an 8 day week!)

I am going to Telford, probably on the Sunday, as there are a pair of 50s going to Holyhead on the Saturday!



Western Thunderer
Hello from another newbie

Hi Ant and a very warm welcome to the forum :thumbs: and congratulations for getting the colour scheme right :)).
Your project sounds interesting , would love to see a "layouts thread " from you in the near future :thumbs:

Rob :wave:


Western Thunderer
Hello from another newbie

Cheers Col!  Rob, yes I'll post a few photos soon, it really is just the bare bones of a layout at the moment tho!



Western Thunderer
Hello from another newbie

welcome Ant, some great photos on your site - looking forward to seeing some of the layout.




Hello from another newbie

I have just looked at your site, nice photos, I especially liked the French ones.