Re: The hello thread


Simon Dunkley

The hello thread

Dukedog said:
I will contribute to the forum once I have had more time to get used to things.
Have you got used to it yet? You have been very quiet, and I would like to see more of Pen-Y-Bont, which I find rather charming and also a brilliant example of how things like Peco Streamline track can be used to produce a fine layout.
A lot of you will already be familiar with my interest in BR western region in the late 50's / early 60's and also with some of my modelling which is already displayed on other forums.
That's no excuse for not putting it up here - my appearances elsewhere are limited to one place, and usually just to wind up the woolly-minded by pointing out that they are going in circles.

So, I would like to see you provide us with a recap, some under construction shots, and an update on where you have got to.
I would say please, but it's an order!
So there!

Graham Powell

The hello thread

My wife and I met a party of walkers once on the Quantock Hills. They all wore T shirts which read
"Norfolk Mountaineering Club"............
Graham Powell

Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Graham Powell said:
My wife and I met a party of walkers once on the Quantock Hills. They all wore T shirts which read
"Norfolk Mountaineering Club"............

Reminds me of some "TOG" who regularly contributed to Terry Wogan's Radio 2 show, who would sign off with his address... "Atlantic View, Norwich"...
:D :D :D


Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Hello All

Long time lurker putting his head round the door.

Don't worry, I'll sit just here in the corner and be no trouble (for the moment that is!).



Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Welcome Phil,

I will shove up a bit, as there are a few of us in the corner right now  :))

Martyn    :wave: :thumbs:


The hello thread

3 LINK said:
Welcome Phil,

I will shove up a bit, as there are a few of us in the corner right now  :))

Martyn    :wave: :thumbs:
What? The naughty corner?  :))
Welcome to Phil  :wave:


Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Hello Phil,

why sit in the naughty corner when there's loads of room at the back with Jordan :eek: :))



Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Hi Phil,

It's a great little forum this; I hope you enjoy your time here.

If you're trying to keep quiet in the corner and avoid making too much attention for yourself you'll be able to see me on the left hand side, under the hat...



Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Thanks very much for the warm welcome folks, I know that there are a lot of familiar faces in here so I might just edge slowly into the room ..........


Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
The hello thread

marsa69 said:
Hello Phil,

why sit in the naughty corner when there's loads of room at the back with Jordan :eek: :))



Ah yes...  where the Dark Side awaits you ....

Welcome aboard Phill #2... :wave:


Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Golly gosh, I'm so grateful for the welcome that I may cast all caution to the winds and charge out of my corner willy nilly ....... Oh sorry, didn't see you. I must be more careful!

Oh, look, there's someone in a hat - Hi Steph, and is that Jordan emerging from the back?

Thanks all.

And by-the-way, joining this merry band has put me in touch with someone from (mmmumum) years ago.  As I said to him, this model world ain't that big when you look at it.  I've lately been on the local exhibition circuit with (someone else's) layout and it's amazing that there's always someone you've met wherever you go.


Dog Star

Western Thunderer
The hello thread

phileakins said:
Golly gosh, I'm so grateful for the welcome that I may cast all caution to the winds and charge out of my corner willy nilly ....... Oh sorry, didn't see you. I must be more careful!

Oh, look, there's someone in a hat - Hi Steph, and is that Jordan emerging from the back?

And by-the-way, joining this merry band has put me in touch with someone from (mmmumum) years ago.  As I said to him, this model world ain't that big when you look at it.  I've lately been on the local exhibition circuit with (someone else's) layout and it's amazing that there's always someone you've met wherever you go.

Your sense of humour seems to fit and be robust enough to survive.  "(mmmumum) years ago"...  funny, I do not remember precisely either.

regards, Graham