The hello thread
Much the same as in my start Simon - my mother's family were all railwaymen/women and I eventually followed the family tradition of being a Signalman, only for me it's working for the Swanage Railway rather than the 'main' line. My first sight of a model was my uncle's 00 out and back round a goldfish pond from a shed in his garden when I was very little (he was signalman at Dover Priory for a lot of years).
Only, I then found women and beer (not necessarily in that order!) and although keeping up a vague connection, my modelling stuttered and then stopped. I came back to full activity about two years ago with the Flying Scotsman part work, much maligned as it was.
I am very lucky (looks nervously over shoulder) with the present Mrs PE who encourages me in everything I want to achieve - except monopolise her dining room with something twelve feet long by three feet wide! I can't imagine why!
There is a thread on RMWeb documenting all the point-work that I built before Christmas Graham, enough for the planned layout. If I knew how to post a link I would. This edit box is very sparce of tools/smileys.
I rather hope to look at resin casting of rolling stock though and I'll document that when I get started.
PS What newsletter, what have I missed?
PPS As a tantaliser, I've had something rather exiting come up in the last couple of days which I will 'reveal' when it's a done deal .......