Re: The hello thread

Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
The hello thread

phileakins said:
Golly gosh, I'm so grateful for the welcome that I may cast all caution to the winds and charge out of my corner willy nilly .......
Blimey you've caught on quick, Phil  :eek:  At this rate we'll be back to talk of ten-inch tripods and mouldy Gorilla 'fur' in no time...!! ??? ;D

Simon Dunkley

The hello thread

From what my wife tells me (based on medical training, not experience, I hasten to add) it is unlikely that 17" would be rigid, or at least not without causing you to faint and thereby deny yourself the pleasure of the experience (or the experience of the pleasure).

They usually put me at the back of the room so they can avoid the sewer that passes for my mind...

PS - Nice to see you on here, Phil.


Western Thunderer
The hello thread

You know, me old Mum went to great lengths to warn me about places like this before I left home, I never thought I'd be lucky enough to find one.

By the way, she emigrated and is now giving the Tasmanians the benefit of her advice!


PS How do I get smileys?

Simon Dunkley

The hello thread

phileakins said:
You know, me old Mum went to great lengths to warn me about places like this before I left home, I never thought I'd be lucky enough to find one.
Oh, they don't have to be like that to get me to join, but it doesn't take long for them to go downhill after I am established... ;)
Neil said:
Just click on the little blighters at the top of the reply box, or select pertinent efforts from sites like this.
Of you can do what I do, and visit best smileys and copy the code over...

Other smiley sites are available.


OC Blue Brigade
The hello thread

phileakins said:
You know, me old Mum went to great lengths to warn me about places like this before I left home, I never thought I'd be lucky enough to find one.

By the way, she emigrated and is now giving the Tasmanians the benefit of her advice!


PS How do I get smileys?

He's written 6 now he ain't a new comer any more!! Phil get a topic going with loads ot pictures. WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU WERE DOING LAST NIGHT :)) :)) :))



Western Thunderer
The hello thread

iploffy said:
He's written 6 now he ain't a new comer any more!! Phil get a topic going with loads ot pictures. WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU WERE DOING LAST NIGHT :)) :)) :))


So does my wife Ian!

All right, Area 51 when I've got something cooking, my layout plans are stalled atm due to a change in baseboard design, and the fact that the builders have promised and promised - but no railway room finished yet!  There's only so much you can do in the dining room in S7.


Simon Dunkley

The hello thread

phileakins said:
There's only so much you can do in the dining room in S7.
Stop using it as a dining room, and your problems (with respect to S7) will be solved, as will your wife wondering what you did last night, although that would be replaced with the problems of divorce and alimony. Hmm. Perhaps not - if she gets to keep the house, definitely not.

Trains/model railways have been part of my life since I can remember; I am told that I have had a train set of one form or another since I was 2, so basically for 44 years next month - I never went through the "no interested" phase and managed to fit wine (and other alcoholic beverages), women (let's not discuss that here!) and song (in a band, but can only do dead-pan vocals) in and around the trains*. I have known my wife for 18 years at the end of this month, and we have been married for over 15 of those. The implication here is that trains are for life, but your wife gets in the way as you get older... ;)

*Not difficult as I am not prolific at the best of times.

Simon Dunkley

The hello thread

iploffy said:
He's written 6 now he ain't a new comer any more!!
7 now, but the machine says he is still a new member...

Talking of posts, congratulations on passing the 1,000 mark, which you did sometime today. Probably within this thread...

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
The hello thread

phileakins said:
There's only so much you can do in the dining room in S7.

Build some track, wagons, even turn a tyre or two. :)
Best of all, write for the newsletter.  ;)

regards, Graham


Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Much the same as in my start Simon - my mother's family were all railwaymen/women and I eventually followed the family tradition of being a Signalman, only for me it's working for the Swanage Railway rather than the 'main' line.  My first sight of a model was my uncle's 00 out and back round a goldfish pond from a shed in his garden when I was very little (he was signalman at Dover Priory for a lot of years).

Only, I then found women and beer (not necessarily in that order!) and although keeping up a vague connection, my modelling stuttered and then stopped. I came back to full activity about two years ago with the Flying Scotsman part work, much maligned as it was.

I am very lucky (looks nervously over shoulder) with the present Mrs PE who encourages me in everything I want to achieve - except monopolise her dining room with something twelve feet long by three feet wide!  I can't imagine why!

There is a thread on RMWeb documenting all the point-work that I built before Christmas Graham, enough for the planned layout.  If I knew how to post a link I would.  This edit box is very sparce of tools/smileys.

I rather hope to look at resin casting of rolling stock though and I'll document that when I get started.


PS What newsletter, what have I missed?
PPS As a tantaliser, I've had something rather exiting come up in the last couple of days which I will 'reveal' when it's a done deal .......

Steve Cook

Flying Squad
The hello thread

Hi Phil

A belated welcome from me  :wave:  I thought I recognised your name, but couldn't place it until now - aren't you building Sheerness Dockyard Station with the wonderfully different track layout at the end of the terminus roads? If so, good to have you on board, I was very much looking forward to watching your layout develop  - glad I no longer have to travel far  ;D



OC Blue Brigade
The hello thread

Simon Dunkley said:
7 now, but the machine says he is still a new member...

Talking of posts, congratulations on passing the 1,000 mark, which you did sometime today. Probably within this thread...

thank you sir just glad to be here



Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Talking of posts, congratulations on passing the 1,000 mark

He gets through that many in half an hour at his house. And that's EVEN with his missus chipping in as well. He is not so much a force of nature more a force of Brum  :))

And yeah, LMR boys rule!  ;D



Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Steve Cook said:
Hi Phil

A belated welcome from me  :wave:  I thought I recognised your name, but couldn't place it until now - aren't you building Sheerness Dockyard Station with the wonderfully different track layout at the end of the terminus roads? If so, good to have you on board, I was very much looking forward to watching your layout develop  - glad I no longer have to travel far  ;D


Hi Steve

Yes that's me - I'll start a thread on the layouts forum with some pictures of the point work I completed before Christmas.


PS I've found out why I didn't get smilys etc.  My fault ...  :-[