Rebuilt Crosti 9f

spikey faz

Western Thunderer
Back from holiday in the sun and time to face next bit of bodgery. The handrail holes on the l/h side have turned out a bit out of alignment. Also the joint between the firebox sheeting halfway down the l/h side was sloping down towards the running plate rather than parallel. Not by a lot, but enough to be noticeable. Not sure how this has happened. So a few pictures of how I've started to rectify this.
I'll reinstate the rivets with some punched out Plastikard ones. All looks a bit messy, but I'm optimistic about how it'll turn out. Had to do it as it was throwing everything else slightly out of alignment. The other side seems OK.


spikey faz

Western Thunderer
Hand rails are sorted. Although I was going to fix them in place prior to painting, turns out they're quite easy to take in and out. So I'll probably fit them permanently after painting. They're nickel silver, so I should be able to blacken them more easily than if they were brass.

I've also started on the clack valves. It's a bit difficult to tell but some of the pictures of the prototype seem to indicate the horizontal part of the associated piping is lagged. I haven't found a clear enough picture to confirm this though.
None of this pipework is fixed in place either. Again I may leave it off until after painting.

I had to beef up the front part of the steam pipe covers as I wasn't convinced that they looked quite right. I think dimensionally the kit parts might be slightly out, but in the absence of accurate works drawings I'm relying on intuition! :eek:

spikey faz

Western Thunderer
A whole chunk of pipework for the r/h side completed. I hadn't planned on making it removable, but that's how it's worked out.
I've just had time to beef up the brackets that hold the pipes to the boiler. Not entirely prototypical, but they're good enough for me. They're made from sticky-back copper tape.

ps. I've noticed from my pics that the pipework appears to not quite parallel to the footplate. No worries as it is fully adjustable!

spikey faz

Western Thunderer
Added a bit more pipework just below the ejector.

The reversing gear shaft that runs along just above the footplate is represented in the kit by two whitemetal castings. They are actually straight enough, but not long enough! Or at least not on my model. Could be down to my incompetence! Also I have a feeling the diameter should be a bit smaller so I replaced the castings with 2.5mm dia tube. I did manage to re-use the little u/j.

spikey faz

Western Thunderer
As quite a lot of this pipework makes it way into the cab, I decided now would be a good time to make a start on the backplate.
I could have taken the easy option by simply using the supplied whitemetal castings, but it was to be honest a bit crude. The best option would have been to made a new backplate from scratch, but as it happens the whitemetal one fits rather well. So I went for the middle ground and went for re-using this, albeit with some modifications.
I've ground off all the cast details.
And will start adding new bits. A combination of Ragstone and bits conjured from my spares box plus any bits I can use from the kit.

Progress so far.

spikey faz

Western Thunderer
The Ragstone rocker sockets are nicely detailed (like all of the Ragstone parts I've had), but they don't quite accord with the prototype pictures I have for reference.
No problemo. Quick cut n shut and here we go.
Rivets (not prototypical as they should be nuts & bolts, but don't tell anyone) help hold the modified rocker sockets in place, backed up with superglue. Washout plugs in and firebox doors soldered in place. Smokebox door handle will be fixed in place later once I've made and stuck the little shelf in above the doors.

Once again its not speed of light progress, but playing football with the grandchildren over at the local park takes priority! :thumbs:

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spikey faz

Western Thunderer
The backplate takes shape.
I had to replace the throttle handle as it broke!
My fault for being a bit clumsy. The mounting bracket is fine, but I had to make a new handle.
Maneuvering the backplate in and out of the cab is a bit like a 'ship in a bottle'! It's fiddly! Hence my preference for lots of pins to hold everything in place to hopefully prevent stuff getting knocked off.
