spikey faz
Western Thunderer
Back from holiday in the sun and time to face next bit of bodgery. The handrail holes on the l/h side have turned out a bit out of alignment. Also the joint between the firebox sheeting halfway down the l/h side was sloping down towards the running plate rather than parallel. Not by a lot, but enough to be noticeable. Not sure how this has happened. So a few pictures of how I've started to rectify this.

I'll reinstate the rivets with some punched out Plastikard ones. All looks a bit messy, but I'm optimistic about how it'll turn out. Had to do it as it was throwing everything else slightly out of alignment. The other side seems OK.

I'll reinstate the rivets with some punched out Plastikard ones. All looks a bit messy, but I'm optimistic about how it'll turn out. Had to do it as it was throwing everything else slightly out of alignment. The other side seems OK.