Hi Rob,
it has to be plain Blue as in the picture that I am working to replicate - taken in May 84.
Hi Jon,
in the picture mentioned above, the coach is in a revised Chocolate/Cream livery, probably done when it went through Works and had the heater vents put in, (when it was first converted, it had the appearance of an Autocoach - the Chocolate/Cream went round the ends) I do not know when the FYE was applied, but livery appears to have been slightly simplified, in as much as the brown area below the gutter seems to have disappeared with the black/gold lining was applied directly below the gutter.
I do not have that particular book, but I think that I have seen the photo that you mention in another publication. I have also seen it in Blue/Grey livery being towed by a Blue/Grey 121.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that the Preston OGG visit to the East Lancs in two weeks time produces the dimensional information that I need to make a start on the body and the JLTRT come up trumps with the keeper plates for the whitemetal bogie kits and the roof ventilator/strapping template that were missing from the kit. I received an envelope from Archers in America this morning containing the resin weld seams which are quite a prominent feature on the end plates that were fitted when the corridor connections were removed.
Hopefully, that will allow a continuous run to be made.