7mm Ressaldar's Workshop - a paintshop diversion


Western Thunderer
Hi Steve,

many thanks for the links. I had had the second one forwarded to me by the Client but had not seen the first one before. Thankfully, it's the second one that is required, so no fancy window frames or searchlights in the roof required:eek::eek:

I have now started a DM45020 ScotRail thread and have the bogies underway.




Western Thunderer
Hi Mike,

I am in the process of trying to find a pic of a western in blue with a blue/grey inspection saloon so i can sort out which type/diagram i want:thumbs:. But as of yet i hav'nt found one:(.

Watching your build with interest though.:D in the hope i find a pic ;)



Western Thunderer
I have had to make yet another 'big decision' at least as far as modelling is concerned in as much as I have had to stop work on all build projects as it was all getting too much. So the Scotrail build has stopped now that the bogies (I used JLTRT whitemetal ones in the end) are complete and will be going off to the Client shortly,


the kits that were ordered for collection at Telford have all been cancelled (I have ordered a RTR version of the Easybuild WR Inspection Saloon DB999508) and I will just continue with the S&T Inspection Saloon as and when the mood takes me. I have an appointment with the Doctor this afternoon to discuss my 'total lack of enthusiasm' since the shingles episode, so we'll see what he has to say.

I did go into the workshop yesterday to 'have a look' at the S&T underframe and marked up what needs to be done etc.,


the main difference to the H33 underframe being the relocation of one of the V hanger/vacuum cylinder assemblies - marked with the V (upper left above). I then decided to cut out the V hanger assemblies and cleaned one up then noticed ( as Heather discovered with the second part of her triple build) that the etch is on the wrong side - see above, the left hand one is roughly in position, correctly orientated, but upside down - the right hand one shows the etch lines, but is facing the wrong way. The only good thing to say is that as the entire etch seems to be only 'one third etched' in lieu of the accepted 'half etch' tthere is a but of meat on the bone to reverse fold everything.

Another episode to follow as and when.




Western Thunderer
Lets hope you get the old mojo back soon Mike. Sometimes it's worth having a break from stuff, to return with new enthusiasm later. Those jltrt bogies go together a treat, I used some Gresley ones for my non.corridor set. The castings were very tidy and there was little cleaning up required.


Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
I've been suffering a little lack of mojo over the LNWR coaches. I have to remind myself they're not for me, and someone is paying me to make them!

Mike, don't forget you may have to hack a huge hole in the floor to let the v-hanger/vac cylinder etch sit properly. A nicely messy operation, but the only way I could find to make it all look right.


Western Thunderer
Hi Tony,

many thanks for your kind words, much appreciated.

The JLTRT whitemetal bogies seem to differ slightly in quality, the GWR 7' version went together really well and with Heather's springing arrangement, they should do the business, the B4 ones needed quite a bit of fettling, and despite being fewer parts, took longer to assemble and there is no 'additional' springing, just reliant on the limited travel in the slots.

We'll see how the Collett pans out.




Western Thunderer
Hi Heather,

mojo suffering seems to come and go like the tide with quite a few of us here on WT - is it something in the air? Like you I was building the ScotRail Saloon as a commission, however, I still could not get past the point of getting my apron on and sitting down at the bench, so the only way was to walk away from it.

As you can see, I have marked out rough locations for the under gubbins, and before I start hacking the floor to pieces, (thanks for the reminder) I'll assemble the trussing and hold that in place with some blue tack so that I can then use the queenposts and the point where the angled truss comes out from behind the solebar as datum points and with reference to photographs, I can then locate the second V hanger assembly, battery boxes and gas cylinder cupboards.

I am using your Collett trio build as a point of reference and have now got the second laptop in the workshop with the thread running so that I'm not having to go back and forth into my den when I need to refer to something. Unfortunately, I have to have both laptops running off of the mains as one machine has a faulty battery - £ 95 to replace :eek::eek::eek: and the other one has a faulty battery charger:headbang: - and two different makes of laptop

Hopefully more progress this coming week, before going back to the surgery to give an armful of blood to hopefully come up with some answers as to my malady - and there is the tonic of Telford to look forward to next weekend as well, so every thing should be tickety boo when the needle goes in:thumbs:




Western Thunderer
Hi Mike :thumbs:

Sorry to hear bout your mojo. Telford will be a real tonic. Will be nice to see all again & have a chat. See you at Telford mate ;)

Steve :cool:


Western Thunderer
Hi Steve,

thanks for your comments, yes, Telford will hopefully get me going again, I'm certainly hoping it will.

See you there.




Western Thunderer
surprise, surprise, a new week and mojo in gear? fingers crossed it will last.

Started off by soldering up the trusses and queen post assemblies, but instead of using the etched cross members - hardly anything for the hold & fold to grip, I used some machined angle, cut to length and then with Heather's advice ringing in my ears, I made a cautious start on cleaning up and then 'reverse' folding the etches for the vac cylinder assemblies


When it came to fitting the etch into it's space in the chassis, the moulded cut-out needed 'expanding' sideways and the etch then fitted nicely, but contrary to Heather's problem with having to remove a great chunk of the floor,


I seem to have my etch just right, another NQLTRT compensating error? - not quite as it now seems that the toggle on this nearside V hanger has been etched the RIGHT way round although the main part of the V etch itself is the WRONG way round. I will leave the toggle as it is above. When compared with Russell's photo in App 2, the orientation between the V and the truss, seems correct,


so encouraged by the above, I then cleaned up the vac cylinder - not very good castings, they needed a lot of work doing to them and it will never be seen! I also followed Heather's advice regarding putting a joggle in the support arms for the cylinder and while I was feeling confident, cut off the whitemetal pivot arms and drilled through the cylinder to enable me to fit it with a length of 1.2mm brass rod whilst the cylinder was located between the arms


The operating shaft was cleaned up, and a 0.7mm hole drilled through the pivot arm to enable a good fixing to the cylinder ram, at present, the pins are not soldered in, all will be done once everything is checked and glued into place, I've not yet decided which type of glue to use but am favouring Devcon - does anybody have any thoughts on this subject, comments welcomed, especially if it means I can be decided for a purchase at Telford at the weekend.



ps - photos taken with the phone (Nokia 520) - I'm very impressed


Western Thunderer
part two for today, sees the second vacuum cylinder unit in its correct location


however, so that the cylinder pivot pins need to be accessible, the cunning folk at Swindon put it on the inside of the V hanger, which meant the NQLTRT got things JLTRT by default:headbang: which meant that everything had to be re-bent :headbang::headbang:the whole assembly needs cleaning up as does the seating area to ensure that it sits correctly


both assemblies in position ready for checking positioning of brakegear ect.



Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
Have you knocked in the bogie pivot castings, Mike? I'd hate to think you'll have to do it while being mindful of all the work underneath so far.


Western Thunderer
Hi Mike

Glad your mojo has returned, lets hope it stays.

oming on nicely now. I shall be watching this build with interest. See you at Telford ?.



Western Thunderer
Have you knocked in the bogie pivot castings, Mike? I'd hate to think you'll have to do it while being mindful of all the work underneath so far.

Hi Heather,

yes, they are in and filed flush to the floor and the bolts have been cut down to length. As I said earlier, all is loose at present, just to make sure that everything is correctly orientated - especially me.




Western Thunderer
Hi Mike

Glad your mojo has returned, lets hope it stays.

coming on nicely now. I shall be watching this build with interest. See you at Telford ?.


Hi Rob,

thanks, as I said to the other Rob, it's lasted all day so that's a start.

Definitely see you all at Telford.




Western Thunderer
not such a productive day as far as number of pieces fitted is concerned, but productive none the less in that the second vac unit is now fettled and fits into its space neatly


although I realized that as the cylinder was now on the opposite side to normal, the brake actuator arm on the cross shaft would now be 180 degrees from where it should be, so I cut the shaft in half, turned it through 180 and soldered it back together.


next up was to fabricate and fit the pipework that ran along the solebar - I had a length of 1.5mm brass rod which looked as if it was made for the job, so checking the photo, I marked off the points where the tube went through the solebar, measured the centres and bent away. Next up was to fit some brass split pins as holderbatts and having spaced them out as best I could see in the photo, pinched them up at the back and offered the 'assembly' up to the solebar, marked out the position of the pins and drilled through the solebar. The two runs were then inserted and glued into position.


Next up will be the brake gear, the other pipe runs, ancillary bits and pieces and then all will be glued into place.


