Rivermead Central


Western Thunderer
The ‘speckling’ is surely inherent. Spray something very lightly with thousands of tiny droplets and speckling has got to be inevitable. It does make for convincing concrete. The underlying paint, ‘Weathered Concrete’, was ‘wiped over’ with fine abrasive paper before spraying. Since successive coats of the ‘Concrete’ paint had dried to slightly different greys, the light sanding exposed subtly different shades. So this has also helped.

Here’s the same technique used on the coping and lintels (and window-sills) of the warehouse building I finished last year:

View attachment 234498

yes, I see what you’re saying, it’s just that when spraying “normally” I think we tend to try to get the droplets to coalesce into a uniform layer, and you’ve managed to achieve a most convincing effect by precisely not doing that!



Western Thunderer
Another nice (dare I say ‘spring’?) day, so I have been outside using the spray cans on the Benham’s office building — making the grey paint look more like concrete:




I can now join the wall section to the main building. A test fit earlier today before applying the spray paint:


Spraying done, windows can be fitted. I will do a little further weathering applied by brushing. Railings in front of the doorway. Then install on the layout.


Western Thunderer
The Benham’s office building is now in one piece, with all the main parts permanently joined. I have fixed the wall section to the north end of the office this evening using glue and a couple of wood screws. I will put in some more fastenings tomorrow after the glue has set over-night.

The two parts joined this evening were a gratifyingly good fit:


Everything true and straight and square, better than I could have hoped.


Western Thunderer
And here is the whole building in the sun this morning:


(Please ignore the ‘shadows’ caused by multiple light sources due to reflections from various windows — for example, to the right of the brick piers. These markings are not in the paint).


Western Thunderer
I have today started brushing on some further weathering to the Benham’s office building. My first job was to get rid of the gap along the join between the wall and the main building:


And now it’s gone:


I have also made a start on preparing the windows.


Western Thunderer
I have finished painting the Benham’s office building. Some weathering — not much, actually — applied by brushing. Another pass with the spray can of matt varnish. Done and ready for windows.




This is not a detailed building like some of the wonderful models shown on WT. But it’s not meant to be. I go right back to my first post in this thread. The building is, I believe, ‘fit for purpose’, so I am happy with it.

Windows and railings are all that’s left to do.


Western Thunderer
I mentioned in my post #233 (16 January this year) that the planned track layout at Cavendish Goods requires a 3’3” radius right hand point — and that the one I have needed the rails cleaned to remove corrosion. This will be the first turnout at the entrance to the yard — nearest the tunnel — and is for the head-shunt:


Given its location, not much track can be laid at Cavendish Goods without this turnout. I have been gradually cleaning it since mid-January. Removing corrosion from the rails is a tedious job, so I have been doing a few inches at a time and finished last week. Yesterday, in warm weather, I washed the turnout under the outside tap.

On Bassett-Lowke points, the transverse brass strips to which the rails are attached near the crossing, and the soldered joints, are always painted matt black. Yesterday evening, I made good the damage to the matt black paint caused by cleaning the rails.

So now my 3’3” radius right hand turnout is ready to use and looking pretty much like brand new:




Western Thunderer
I am not sure how much interest there will be in the subject of this post, but since I was measuring the item this morning, I photographed it and will share it here.

It’s a Lowko Track diamond crossing:


It illustrates a couple of general issues.

Firstly, life must be tough for anyone who is a completist and a Bassett-Lowke collector. The above crossing is not listed in any Bassett-Lowke catalogue I have ever seen though I can’t rule out the possibility it was included in some pre-WW1 catalogues. It certainly wasn’t listed after WW1 when I think the one I have was likely made. I am sure this is an ‘official’, factory-made, piece — not home built using Lowko Track parts. Everything about it, from the quality of the construction to the use of transverse tinplate strips nailed to the sleepers, is in accordance with usual Northampton practice. Additionally, I have a friend who has a similar crossing in Gauge 1. Whether these crossings were made just to order, or just not catalogued, I can’t say. But this does show a real difference from model ranges such as, say, Hornby Dublo. It would be theoretically possible to get an example of every Hornby Dublo model ever made. Not so Bassett-Lowke. As well as uncatalogued models, Bassett-Lowke would build ‘one-offs’ commissioned by well-to-do customers and repaint or modify catalogued models to order. Various models were made by rebuilding standard products (e.g. Bing LNWR George the Fifths overpainted and detailed as ‘Queen Mary’, Royal Scots converted to SR ‘Lord Nelson’) or just overpainting (e.g. post-WW2 LMS Compounds hand-painted LMS black over the lithographed finish). Just how many different 0 gauge models were sold by Bassett-Lowke will never be fully known.

From a personal perspective, in relation to Rivermead Central, I obtained this crossing because it was offered together with the buffer stop illustrated in my post #185 — and I wanted the buffer stop. Effectively, the crossing was ‘by-catch’ and cost nothing. The crossing is in poor condition, filthy dirty, with heavily corroded tinplate rails. One arm has been shortened (bottom right in my photo), presumably to make it fit on a layout. So quite a bit of work needed if I wanted to use the crossing somewhere on Rivermead Central. I don’t have anywhere obvious to use it, but it’s an interesting piece which I would like to use if possible. Since someone else has already sawn the end off one arm, I wouldn’t feel too bad about further shortening if needed.

I shan’t spend any time renovating the crossing for now, but I have it and if there is an opportunity to use it, I very likely will. I took measurements and drew a full size plan on some clean paper this morning. So I can test possible locations on the layout as track laying continues.
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Western Thunderer
I have mentioned before how keen I am to start laying the post-WW2 Scale Permanent Way at Cavendish Goods. The Lowko Track laid previously has been lifted. The part of the base board nearest the entrance to the yard has been repainted (though another coat of paint is still needed). I have made the transition piece of track to join the Scale Permanent Way to the Lowko Track. The points required for the entrance to the yard are all cleaned and ready to use.

I could start laying the Scale Permanent Way this week. The trouble is, the more I think about it, the more I realise that it would be sensible to do some other things first. Working on the sidings behind Cairnie Junction station brought home to me how much more difficult it is to work at the back of the layout if the track has already been laid nearer the front of the base-board. There is a particular job required at Cavendish Goods that I know I should do before I start laying the Scale Permanent Way.

Although I am lucky enough to have a good sized room to build my layout, my choice of 0 gauge using vintage track means there is no spare space if I am to have sufficient sidings, long enough loops etc. to run the railway I want. Because space is so tight for the southern station approach at Cairnie Junction and for the yard entrance at Cavendish Goods, a section of base-board has never been installed. It has got to be exactly the right size to accommodate the necessary tracks at BOTH the high and low levels. I know roughly what size and shape the missing base-board needs to be. If I make it a little larger, there will be more space for the tracks heading into Cairnie Junction station from the south — but less space at the yard entrance at Cavendish Goods. If I make the new section of base-board slightly smaller, conversely there will less room at the high level and more room at the low level.

We’re looking at the position of the wall separating the low level (in pink below) from the high level (uncoloured) close to where the Cavendish Goods branch emerges from the tunnel under Cairnie Junction station:


In more detail, this is the proposed track plan for Cavendish Goods:


The high level tracks are at the top (but not shown) in the above diagram. The wall separating the two levels is indicated by the red line. The dotted part is fixed in place and appears in many previous photos in this thread with various items of rolling stock posed in front of it. The solid red line is the wall I need to install. The vaguely kite-shaped area hatched blue is the missing section of base-board.

I started constructing the missing section of wall years ago, but laid it aside pending knowing for certain how much room I need at both levels. I got the partly constructed wall out yesterday from where it had been stored in an outside shed:


It’s a heavy and unwieldy structure due to my tendency to over-engineer everything. As it happens, it’s 4’ 8 1/2” long. The visible face of the wall is constructed of vintage brick-effect wood, as with the section already built and installed. The bricks are considerably over-scale for 0 gauge as only one size was produced to be used for gauges 0, 1 and 2. This is the material as listed in the Bassett-Lowke catalogue:


(From the 1924 catalogue, but first offered in 1911).

The equivalent model building materials today, of course, are laser-cut plywood or MDF. The ‘bricks’ are now correct scale size. Try ordering a 10’ length though from any modern day supplier! As an aside, note that scenic model railways were well established by 1911. Ten years before, affordable, small-scale models, accurately depicting real trains, were completely unknown.

I think I need to proceed in this order:

1. Cut the missing section of base-board to size, check it provides the necessary space at both levels and fix in place.
2. Lay the high level track (Lowko Track) on and behind the new section of base board.
3. Establish the position of anything requiring an electrical supply on the new section of base-board and drill holes and install wiring accordingly. (I have some 1930s colour-light signals which I am minded to use for the southern approach to Cairnie Junction station).
4. Install the wall between the high and low levels in front of the new base-board (making it impossible to install more electric wiring).
5. Lay the track at Cavendish Goods.

Whether I will have the self discipline to hold off laying track at Cavendish Goods until the rest is done remains to be seen. It would do no harm, surely, to lay the first couple of pieces leading out of the tunnel …
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Western Thunderer
The Bassett-Lowke ‘bricks’ are approximately 6.6mm x 2.8mm, though it is difficult to be sure exactly where the edges of the bricks are supposed to be and so how wide the mortar is. Real bricks of the period were 9” x 3.5”. So the Bassett-Lowke size is close to 1:32 scale (slightly short on the long dimension), i.e. Gauge 1.

I don’t think Bassett-Lowke ever changed the size of the bricks. Gauge 1 would have been the logical choice when the material was first made.

Other manufacturers (for example, Mills Bros) later made similar brick effect wooden building materials. Some of the later material from different makers has bricks more correct in size for 0 gauge.

Starting in the 1930s, the complete buildings offered by Bassett-Lowke went over to a modern style finished to represent concrete construction. So no more bricks, of any size.