As mentioned on the Guildex thread, I was really thrilled that I was awarded Runner up and Commended for some of my entries into the Rolling Stock category of the modelling competition on Saturday. It was especially satisfying that my efforts were placed from such high quality entries in the Guilds 60th Anniversary year.
It's also a first for me, not being interested in sport or other competitive pursuits, the only thing that I have ever won before this, was a tin of biscuits in a raffle
The commended award was for my Condemned ex NBR Jubilee van.
Besides the Condemned Van, I also submitted an LNER (ex NBR) goods train broken up into five seperate entries (comprising: models built from Connoisseur kit's, models built from Parkside Dundas kits, models built from Dragon Models kit's and scratch built models).
The runner up award was for the scratch built section of the train. Most of which are pictured below (there is one of the beaded jubilee vans missing because I couldn't fit it onto my diorama).
Apparently, it was this particular model from the selection that carried the day, and although I have put it in the Silhouette thread because the others were silhouette cut, this one was built before I received the cutter.