Sad announcement


Western Thunderer
It is with immense sadness that we announce the death of my dear husband, David Joseph Parkins.
He dedicated his life to everything modelling (alongside all things nature, music and family).
Thank you for the many years of interest and support. He loved the modelling community.
Thank you, Mrs Rebecca Parkins.

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Whilst I did not share David's tastes in jazz music I admired his modelling interests, his openess in regard to products generally and his willingness to help modellers who had problems with building MMP kits.

A great loss to our hobby.

Thank you David, rest in peace.



Western Thunderer
Always a treat to talk with him, even if only placing a small order.

A sad loss to all of the modelling hobby.

RIP David.


Ian G

Western Thunderer
Such a sad loss to all, what a wonderful gentleman he was, I met him once and spoke over the phone on many occasion.

Ian G


Western Thunderer
Very very sad news. I have taken great pleasure from building his kits, not always easy but very rewarding. Will be missed.


Flying Squad
Thank you for letting us know and my sincere condolences for your loss. I was fortunate enough to be helping my father on the exhibition circuit at the same time as David and have fond memories of evening drinks with him in Parkers Hotel bar during the Manchester Model Railway Exhibition.

His contribution to the hobby cannot be understated, so many of us have built at least one of his kits or used his components that his legacy will live on for a long time.



Western Thunderer
I’m so sorry for your loss. I never, knowingly, met David, but always admired the obvious quality and range of his work, along with his perspective on modelling and the differences between the railway side and the aircraft side. The kits were a pleasure.



john lewsey

Western Thunderer
Really sorry to hear this, David sent a really nice message to me on here when I mentioned that my wife passed away recently. A very nice man.