7mm Sandite 121 From An Easybuild Kit


Western Thunderer
Hi all,

having made various threats that I was going to build one of these, I have just received the traction motors from ABC so there is now no excuse nit to start the build...............................or so i thought:eek:

Having unpacked the traction motors, I noticed that the 'stub axles' were stubby to say the least - barely 1.0mm long, so not much to go into the bearings. The overall length of the axle being 40.93mm, compared with the Easybuild axles - albeit over the 'pin-points' of 47.64


So the project has 'stalled' before it has started while I put the thinking cap on to work out a method to suspend the motors in the Wayoh bogie - some form of 'C' channel soldered onto the inside face of the front stretcher and a similar type of arrangement on the bolster - having first solved the basic bolster arrangement - hollow brass rectanglular tube would seem the way round it, but from the experience gained? when I built the MLV bogie, that has it's own little problem areas too.

However, it's something to think about as I enjoy the festivities and trust that you all have a great Christmas and New Year wherever you are.:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:



Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
It might just be worth ringing Brian at ABC and seeing what he suggests, I'll bet he's already got a simple solution...



Western Thunderer
Hi Steph and Cynric,

I did acknowledge receipt of the motors to Brian with my concern as to lack of bearing, so hopefully, I'll get a response. On checking further, there is a slot in the end of each 'stub' which possibly indicates a threaded end, which means that it could be replaced with a longer stub and therefore give a bearing surface.

MLV bogie which I should have included with the original posting


Further reports as and when



Steph Dale

Western Thunderer

Couldn't you space the bearings in from the frame with a washer or some such - afterall it's not as though you'd need any sideplay?

Can you advise who makes the MLV bogie please? I could find a use for a couple of sets of those...



Western Thunderer

Couldn't you space the bearings in from the frame with a washer or some such - afterall it's not as though you'd need any sideplay?

Can you advise who makes the MLV bogie please? I could find a use for a couple of sets of those...


Hi Steph,

I think that the problem is down to lack of length of the stub - being only 1.0mm - yes the bearing can be packed out, but there is still nothing to go into it - and stay there!

The MLV bogie was part of the Peter Clark kit - with my adaptions - bolster and keeper arrangements for the traction motors. The difference between those motors and the latest ones is that it appears that Brian has changed the design - originally, the Slaters wheels seemed to be 'crimped' onto the axles, leaving the original spigot length to fit into the bearings and now the wheel seems to have a 'Romford' style slotted nut retaining them on the axle and as I said above, there is a slotted end to the 'stub'.

Hope that these clarify the point





Steph Dale

Western Thunderer

I'm familiar with the products you mention on reflection. It's interesting that Slater's have now gone over to screw fitting with all wheels apart from those on 5/32" axles. The piece you descibe is a turned screw with a spigot on the end. They're fairly readily available - I've got a couple of packs here somewhere for my Steve Beattie 10800 kit.

I'll give Peter Clark a call in the new year about those bogies, thanks for the lead.



Western Thunderer
Hi Steph,

perhaps then the turned screw + spigot is available in a range of sizes - the spigot that is, which would be the answer to this maiden's prayer:cool: - I will enquire through Brian Clapperton.




Western Thunderer
Hi all,

I have had a response from Brian Clapperton to my email and he has offered to fit longer 'stubs' for me, once I return the motors to him next week. It is as well that I made no effort to try and remove the stubs as they are glued in as well as having the lock nuts.:eek::eek:

Slaters now do these stubs for dare I say - Gauge 1:thumbs::thumbs:

