HO Seething, Illinois


Hi Folks

Its been c.10 years since I posted on here, my modelling interests have see-sawed from 7mm to 4mm to HO in that time. I started a few layouts but never actually completed any, although a couple were exhibited in a partially finished state. However, I'd like to introduce my substantially complete layout, Seething, Illinois.

Set in the Chicago suburbs on the Rock Island in the 1970's (nominally 1976) and representing the edge of a large industrial complex.

It is modelled in HO gauge, measuring 9 feet by 15 inches and is built to be erected in a spare room at home, or taken to exhibitions.

The track and point are all Peco code 75, the latter being modified in angle and appearance and rewired for extra reliability. Train and point control is by NCE PowerCab and uncoupling magnets are controlled via servos activated by toggle switches.

All loco's and freight cars are from various manufacturers, and are all weathered to varying degrees. No factory fresh stock will appear on the layout! The layout structures are either scratchbuilt or modified Walthers kits.

This is my first attempt at a US outline layout, and it has been a huge learning curve in terms of stock recognition, and simple things like general detailing of structures etc. There are still a lot of things to do on the layout, which is an ongoing project.

The layout made its public debut at the Falkirk show in November 2023 and is booked to appear at the Greenock show in October this year.

A few photographs...



After the last exhibition (and first!) I decided that a little extra length would be handy for the arrival/depart road on the right hand side of the layout so I decided to build a 12" extension.

Due to my apparent inability to count, the 12" extension is 13.5 inches long, still every little helps! It will consist of 2 tracks surrounded by buildings.

Below are a few photos showing the mock ups of the buildings, I'll have this all done by the time the layout is exhibited again in a few months...


Roger Pound

Western Thunderer
After the last exhibition (and first!) I decided that a little extra length would be handy for the arrival/depart road on the right hand side of the layout so I decided to build a 12" extension.

Due to my apparent inability to count, the 12" extension is 13.5 inches long, still every little helps! It will consist of 2 tracks surrounded by buildings.
I know just where you are coming from - I had a similar problem making a baseboard for my DB layout. I put it down to having an elastic tape measure.......:rolleyes:! The extension looks to be coming along with excellent prospects. I look forward to seeing it in situ with the original layout in due time.

Roger ;)