Shelf Queens


Western Thunderer
IMG_0051.jpg The post man commeth.

Earlier this week having a look at David Parkins website to see if anything new had been launched I noted that the class 08/09 was running low on stock, also the Class 13 has completely run out from this batch. Not knowing when the kits would be available again I called David to enquire. Following the conversation I placed an order for one of each of the remaining 08/09 kits.

So even before the soldering iron has touched metal I have my own pile of Shelf Queens.

Whilst talking to David it sounds like the relaunch of his mainline diesel kits may not be too far distant, no date was quoted.

So my SQ consist of MMP 16t mineral wagons & 3 class 08/09 kits (2 x vacuum brake & 1 x dual/air brake.)


Western Thunderer
Do new purchases count as Shelf Queens..? I thought they are usually models that were started, but have remained unfinished for some time - which can vary from months to years.... sometimes many years.... ;)

I hope these don't stay on the shelf unstarted or part finished. :) I fully intend them to be full finished working models.... one day.


Western Thunderer
Do new purchases count as Shelf Queens..? I thought they are usually models that were started, but have remained unfinished for some time - which can vary from months to years.... sometimes many years.... ;)

So what is the name for a collective of both kits and completed / RTR stock? Its's just that I'd like to know what to call my ever-growing pile :D

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Do new purchases count as Shelf Queens..? I thought they are usually models that were started, but have remained unfinished for some time - which can vary from months to years.... sometimes many years.... ;)
An interesting question - just what is the WT definition of a Shelf Queen? If length of time to complete is an appropriate criteria then I think that I may claim the longest given that I have yet to finish a couple of Slater's MR 3-plank wagons which I started circa 1975-8.


Western Thunderer
Mine is a class 120 probably 2/3rds finished. It's ben on the shelf in the below condition for about 2years.
120 Decals 2.jpg

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
I am feeling pretty good about mine, I reduced the pile of shelf queens quite considerably earlier this year - I still have a few to go though.

Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
An interesting question - just what is the WT definition of a Shelf Queen? If length of time to complete is an appropriate criteria then I think that I may claim the longest given that I have yet to finish a couple of Slater's MR 3-plank wagons which I started circa 1975-8.

Your post has made me feel a great deal more comfortable with my recent lack of progress on various projects. I can't even claim a lack of mojo, just no physical evidence...


Western Thunderer
Official WT terminology or not, to me the term 'shelf queen' refers to kits/projects started but not finished – and Dog Star is definitely in pole position on that one. Unstarted kits are merely one's rainy day stash. Mind you, it'll take a downpour of biblical proportions to make a dent in my stash...
