hi you may remember that I started a slaters GWR coach .So while ive been waiting for the gears for the Beames (which I now have ) I thought that I would do a bit more to this coach so I've put some paint on it
I was impressed when I saw, before the painting, how you had finished the join in the sides - the photo looks just like an "Eric and Ernie" moment... you cannot see the join .
Hi Graham unfortunately the join can be seen now that the top coat is on although with weathering it may not be so obvious
The paint was an aerosol
Here's one with the roof on albeit a rather warped one but I do rather like this coach but as I've said before I don't really like building engines but I do like building coaches
Very nice John. I have a set of part built 4mm ones in the loft somewhere that I really ought to think about disposing of as I will never finish them - they're at least 2 times to big now Just for fun perhaps I should build them up to the painting stage and put a nice Edwardian paint finish on them.
Hi if you'd like to see where I'm hoping to go with this coach then look on RMweb at Wenlocks blog clearstory coaches
If I get half way to where he's got ill be pleased
Thank you for all your likes and comments about my stuff it's always a concern as to whether it's good enough to show here as the standard is so high I'm in awe of what I see but as I say many thanks to to you all.