Next question Andrew... What chairs would the LSWR 30' and 45' panels use? 3 bolt or something else?? Interesting subject!
Hi Chris,
Interesting subject indeed.
It is fair to say that over the years I have become a bit of a 'trackwork junkie' and, as I am sure you will understand, there 'aint no cure' ( not that I am looking for one!) But seriously, the most common chair used by the LSWR in the period you are interested in was a three bolt pattern with two bolts on the outside of the rail and one on the inside. Unfortunately, there are no 7mm chairs of this pattern available at present. Some time ago, I used Slaters early Midland pattern, which are actually four bolt, but had the distinctive lightweight appearance I was looking for on my branch line terminus, circa 1895. Following the preferred method of track construction in those days, these chairs were individually cut in half and glued on each side of the brass rivet head which the rail had been soldered to. Looked good but very tedious to do! I also followed the early practice of ballasting over the sleepers up to rail level which had the effect of disguising the incorrect bolt pattern inside the rail. Currently, C and L do a three bolt chair but unfortunately, the bolts are the wrong way round and for my money, the best compromise would be to use their four bolt pattern 7CH104A which at least has a casting shape which is very similar to the LSWR pattern. It is, in effect, the modern version of the one I used. Incidentally, I did look into having some LSWR chairs made to the correct pattern with Len Newman of Exactoscale fame, but the price was prohibitive. However, these days with 3D printing and so on it may be worth another visit.