St Albans CMRA exhibition


Western Thunderer
Late notice I know :rolleyes: but if anyone is going to this show( it's this weekend) I will be manning the S7 stand on Saturday trying to trap the unwary modeller into joining the S7 Group.:D

Hope to see some fiendly faces :)

ATB, Col.


Western Thunderer
Tempted, close to station, rail fare compares well with petrol and time too, no parking fees either, will have to see how fit I am.

Chris Nevard

Western Thunderer
Yes! Will go by train too - far better than sitting the on the M25, which is a big Polo Mint shaped carpark Saturday PM. Can have the odd sneaky beer too going home ;)

Chris Nevard

Western Thunderer
Just back from 'Snorbans', took the scenic route back using trains, tubes and buses.

Bumped into Jerry & Kim, Mr Marshall Potter. A good show with a good number of small traders and a mix of layouts covering big stuff through to small stuff. 2FS is increasingly prolific, and often from younger modellers doing real modelling. The hobby is certainly not all about old men opening boxes, which is really good news. the S Gauge boys had lots of fascinating stuff too - one quite decent sized layout getting there by public transport.


Western Thunderer
This was my first trip to the St Albans show, all be it as a rep. for the S7 Group, one thing that gave me a good feeling was the fact that there were quite a few young lad's with there Father's interested in how models are built, very encouraging.
So hopefully the hobby won't disapear with us "old gits":))


Chris Nevard

Western Thunderer
'Earl's Court' (OO), a could have been 'overground' terminus in West London really caught my eye. The concept is really clever - just 1 point too, and that's in the fiddle yard. I grabbed these snaps resting the little camera on a small bean bag. I've removed the expo hall in the background to help focus on the modelling. It's only 4 x 2ft scenic, a little Tardis without looking cramped!



Western Thunderer
Now that's something you don't see modelled every day, a four rail LMR Oerlikon set, very nice and my kind of layout, very inspirational.


Western Thunderer
'Earl's Court' (OO), a could have been 'overground' terminus in West London really caught my eye. The concept is really clever - just 1 point too, and that's in the fiddle yard. I grabbed these snaps resting the little camera on a small bean bag. I've removed the expo hall in the background to help focus on the modelling. It's only 4 x 2ft scenic, a little Tardis without looking cramped!

View attachment 16522View attachment 16523

Very much in the style of C.J.Freezer and his "Minories" design.



Western Thunderer
a four rail LMR Oerlikon set

The layout is absolutely stuffed with atmosphere, cliche free, some of the modelling is very clever particularly on that Oerlikon set, the motor van side grills are actually printed, such a simple idea and so well executed its not really noticeable even when you know how its done. Just heard its been invited to a genuinely prestigious show, quite right too!
I didn't see this thread before heading south otherwise I'd have asked esp 'is it a Hornby mister? Still trying to get my head round if I should have a play with 2FS and Forest of Dean, Jerry not helping at all with loads of encouragement!


Western Thunderer
Still trying to get my head round if I should have a play with 2FS and Forest of Dean, Jerry not helping at all with loads of encouragement!

Go on, you know you want to!! Have a look here for the perfect accompaniment to that pannier we talked about if you fancy moving your period back a bit. They are beautiful little models and he does a fair few in F of D liveries now. I have a growing number on Highbury.
