Roger Pound
Western Thunderer
Those of you who have been kind enough to follow the sad saga my failed H0 scheme of Stutzendorf may be interested in my 'Project for twenty-five!'. You may recall that failing health and age were principally responsible for my having to reduce my activities in all fields, not just railway modelling. Modelling in the shed or garage was a strict no-no
.My modelling was revitalised by drawing upon my life-long interest in narrow gauge. A small layout in 009 on a sheet of braced 4x2ft 9mm ply has resulted in the birth of a little place called Orchard Hill. This layout is now working and is awaiting scenery in the main plus the odd bit of 'mechanical' work, but I can again play trains in the comfort of my den
. So this is where I was neatly led back in to a world I had almost forgotten - N scale. The available space will accommodate something a tad larger than the 4x2ft - not a lot - but enough for a very modest N scale scene.
So thus the idea to bring Stutzendorf back from the scrap-yard came to pass. It would also give me the chance to indulge some ideas that I had buzzing around in my head for many years too. I had always wanted to make a layout set at the turn of the 19th/20th century in Germany. This rather limited me to the period up to 1920, but as fortune would have it, there is modestly good rtr cover of some of the railways of that time by German Manufacturers (and others) available on both new and second-hand markets. I was thus able to trade my H0 stock from the non-starter project plus a few bob and acquire two Fleischmann train packs of KPEV stock. So I feel that I now have the basis for a fair start. Track is not problem - I 'found' some left over from my long ago N layout which 'moved on' years ago. (I don't throw much away
). Some more has also been purchased in the light of the current design theories.
So that is where plans are at the moment - the re-design of Stutzendorf will result in a completely different track plan and reflect the more industrial possibilities to be found in the area that the KPEV served. once construction starts in the New Year I'll report on progress in the appropriate forum.

So thus the idea to bring Stutzendorf back from the scrap-yard came to pass. It would also give me the chance to indulge some ideas that I had buzzing around in my head for many years too. I had always wanted to make a layout set at the turn of the 19th/20th century in Germany. This rather limited me to the period up to 1920, but as fortune would have it, there is modestly good rtr cover of some of the railways of that time by German Manufacturers (and others) available on both new and second-hand markets. I was thus able to trade my H0 stock from the non-starter project plus a few bob and acquire two Fleischmann train packs of KPEV stock. So I feel that I now have the basis for a fair start. Track is not problem - I 'found' some left over from my long ago N layout which 'moved on' years ago. (I don't throw much away

So that is where plans are at the moment - the re-design of Stutzendorf will result in a completely different track plan and reflect the more industrial possibilities to be found in the area that the KPEV served. once construction starts in the New Year I'll report on progress in the appropriate forum.

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