Roger Pound
Western Thunderer
The phoenix is rising from the ashes at last. After spending the winter and into the dawn of spring on my 009 layout, a change of modelling scene was called for and renewing Stutzendorf in N gauge - my 2025 project as previewed in Area 51 - is the answer. The former number one board of the old H0 Stutzendorf - long abandoned - is now in my den and currently track plans are being loosely laid out to assess viability. Certain material work has to be done too, to introduce a sector plate. I am not that proud of my woodwork to show it off in various stages of completion - I rather think it would have many talented WT modellers rolling round the floor in hysterics so I'll let it be seen once fitted and operating.
The latest revised planning thoughts should see a small town terminus, industrial sidings and possibly some minimal locomotve servicing facilities. I have some browsing to do to locate certain items that I shall need so that will provide some pleasant viewing - I hope! The ultimate aim is simplicity and easy operation - I'm getting too old for a lot of complicated underpinning work of wires and rods.
So there we are - hopefully more soon with pictures next time. One small point - I hope the use of "2mm" in the title causes no offence to fine scale modellers, but there is no option for "N". Perhaps our worthy moderators could consider adding that option?
The latest revised planning thoughts should see a small town terminus, industrial sidings and possibly some minimal locomotve servicing facilities. I have some browsing to do to locate certain items that I shall need so that will provide some pleasant viewing - I hope! The ultimate aim is simplicity and easy operation - I'm getting too old for a lot of complicated underpinning work of wires and rods.
So there we are - hopefully more soon with pictures next time. One small point - I hope the use of "2mm" in the title causes no offence to fine scale modellers, but there is no option for "N". Perhaps our worthy moderators could consider adding that option?