NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Hmmm.... Pecketts..very tempting but I shall remain strong :) I love the combination of the industrial and slight rural decay

Looking very promising Sheep Bloke. A sprinkling of rusty tin, random pipes, weeds and grot will make it look superb.

Gentlemen, You have got it, in one. I know where I am going with this little project after a bit of hesitation. As soon as I laid the track and placed the buildings thereabouts, it looked and felt to be what I was after.

Oh.........and the name of this little ovine backwater?

Sheep Dip.

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NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Aha - so this is a quiet end of the yard in a distillery complex.....
View attachment 118147

Nice thought.......but no.

Just a quiet end of a quiet yard. Industry wise, it's a very non specific engineering type of place but I'm not getting too hung up on it. Leave that to the experts. I'll just play trains whilst others ponder about such things.

For me it's all about rural decay as per Wiggers and Pencarrers.

At present, though, it's all about making sure it runs okay. I mean, It's not as if it's going to its first show in ten weeks is it?

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NHY 581

Western Thunderer
I can't get over how small the nissen hut looks against the wagons!

It is rather small, Keith. The ground level will be brought up to a height level with the tops of the sleepers so that will bring it up a tad.

This look`s 'tasty'.....

Errrm, that`s the layout idea just to be clear......:oops:

Anyhow, i immediatley thought of Cromford Bottom from the pictures and idea`s;
Cromford bottom and loco shed
Cromford Wharf engine shed

Has a nice air of dereliction and decay along with all the interesting little buildings.

Will be watching with interest,especially if it`s going to be built in 10 weeks!.


Cheers Brian. I have to say the photo of Cromford Bottom is just spot on. Just the look I'm after. Thanks for posting that and much reference will be made to it.

I will also be watching with interest, to see if I can build Sheep Dip in ten weeks.......at present that's six weeks less than I built Bleat Wharf in..................

What could possibly go wrong?


Captain Kernow

Western Thunderer
I keep forgetting to catch up with this thread. All very exciting and this (for me) could be your most fascinating project yet.

Out of interest, old chap, given the extremely productive output you have (and in the context of your having sold Sheep Lane a while back), do you have any kind of maximum layout storage limit, either self-imposed or imposed by People in Authority?

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
I keep forgetting to catch up with this thread. All very exciting and this (for me) could be your most fascinating project yet.

Out of interest, old chap, given the extremely productive output you have (and in the context of your having sold Sheep Lane a while back), do you have any kind of maximum layout storage limit, either self-imposed or imposed by People in Authority?

Evening Tim.

I have to agree. Sheep Dip is already catching my imagination and I have ordered more bits today........

In terms of capacity, I'm approaching peak. Mutton is stored in the attic. Bleat Wharf is on the China cabinet and Sheep Dip is currently on the sideboard. As it stands, I cannot site another layout in the house at present......and neither Mutton or Bleat are being sold.

That said, the Memsahib is being jolly decent about it all and has also taken to the latest adventure........

In terms of what comes next? Plenty. I still hanker after Lamb Regis for one but that would be slightly bigger.Too big at present.

But I do have a 3ft x 2ft Swedish coffee table top spare at present just deciding what to with it.

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
You could try an outrageously improbable light railway!

Well.......funny you should mention that, Tim. That would undoubtedly be a very interesting idea.

Sheep Dip will have an element of this about it but a 'between the wars' light railway has had an appeal in the past.

You know the type. A Terrier or two ( Or similar, P or Peckett) , a freelance steam rail motor or diesel railcar of some description. Some odd wagons and a brake van of character...............and tin buildings........with an improbable water tower

Now look what you've done..........you are a very naughty man.

Alex W

Western Thunderer
You know the type. A Terrier or two ( Or similar, P or Peckett) , a freelance steam rail motor or diesel railcar of some description. Some odd wagons and a brake van of character...............and tin buildings........with an improbable water tower

Colonel Stevens ?