Morning all.
There's been no real modelling in 4mm for a little while.
I've had a tinker with a 7mm wagon as per the associated Lamb's Leap thread and that's been about it.
However, with so many lovely models emerging now in 4mm, I have no intention of abandoning things small. One issue I have with disappearing completely down the 7mm rabbit hole is space and here the 4mm Cameo format is my friend. That said, space is still the issue..........but less so.....ish.
Impending additions to the loco stud are in the form of one of the Bachmann 1P 0.4.4t, 58072, a Highbridge loco, which will be added to the roster for Bleat Wharf. A second collectors club edition of the same loco type, No 54 in S&DJR Prussian blue is also eagerly awaited. The photos looked stunning and will scream out for a BLT layout to accommodate it.......
Despite this, the next 4mm project will be firmly based on the Wisbech and Upwell.
Well, I blame my dear Aunt May and a book I had from her when I was about six (and still have).
I've already ordered and received a Model Rail J70 from Kernow models. Unfortunately this example had to be returned due to a waggle as it tottered about the place. I still await a replacement.
In the interim, I have been carrying out some research and acquiring suitable reference material. I think I'm about there now and I'm indebted to Rob R of the parish who has sent through copies of some truly excellent articles. These have finished things off very nicely.
The new layout will be based on Outwell Basin and will be a goods only layout set around 1950.
Simple and minimalist spring to mind. I have the required buildings, three in number, all small. I still need to confirm the plan itself but it will have more than a passing resemblance to Outwell. I have been asked if there will be a water feature on the layout. I'm not sure is the answer. That said, Outwell Basin had a delightful little girder bridge over the Wisbech Canal. The prospect therefore is very tempting......
I'm not certain if proceedings will commence before Christmas. There is an appetite for such things and I have some time off (finally !) starting on the 12th. That said, the Memsahib may have other ideas as to how this time can be put to use.......
Here then are a few images to set the scene.
A plan from Wild Swan publication's lovely book on this line.
A few photos...
And the image that started it all..........
Oh, and the name of the new layout ?..............
Outwool Basin, obviously.......