We had a good show at Warley and it was a relief to see the YR tube displayed on CF: it is underground relative to the whole layout (I suppose that is somewhat a statement of the obvious!) so I was a bit concerned that some of the viewing public might have difficulty getting up again if they got down to see it.

The view of the lit tube train running along the front of the Belle Isle part of the layout will really complete the scene and when we get that far its position, when we get that far.

For the Cally section of the tube, the new Revolution Trains ‘38 stock (backdated to ‘35 stock) will be a godsend.

For those wanting to see YR tube at a comfortable height it can be seen at high level when displayed as a diorama. The tuba-shaped box it travels in doubles as both the diorama and base when shown on a table, bringing it up to a very comfortable eye level view. We will be showing this at the MRC mini-exhibition on December 10th at Keen House.
We also had a preview of another super model from Rapido Trains at Warley that will look good on the layout - especially behind the Raven 4-6-2 class 2400 on trial at KX in 1923.

Finally, we have Matthew Wald’s latest lovely signal box for CF: Five Arch, which apart from the Pope-selecting chimney is scarcely visible from the front. The south end operator can see it though.

Quite a lot going on, really, and we have a good list of jobs to do on CF before its next exhibition in Buxton in July ‘24.