The Chronicles of Canary Sidings - Eastern Eccentricity in EM

2024.13 - GER M15 class #663

Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
Not another loco project!

Yes and I make no apologies for it.

Here at Canary Sidings we have a large locomotive collection or rather a large collection of bits that may one day become locomotives. Although my focus is on the layout, after a day wiring control panels at work I was reluctant to spend the evening wiring control panels. Anyhoo here's how the story goes...

Worsdell's M15 class (LNER F4) need little introduction. Robbie Sinclair has pioneered the 2-4-2T on GE metals back in the early 1860s but TWs design of 1884 started the trend that made the F wheel arrangement a staple of the GER loco shed.


Our subject is #663 built as part of the second E16 batch of locomotives, built in 1885. This batch had a few modifications from the first 10 that were built. Namely moving the tank fillers back to the tank tops and tidying up the front end. But all intents and purposes an as designed locomotive with the joy valve gear, that when used without care created a fuel consumption that gave then the nickname gobblers. For a full history of these interesting and numerous locomotives see the material produced by the GERS or the excellent Basilica Fields blog Here.

And to the model. 663 has allready graced these pages as she was used for track testing on Skeetsmere. A Stephen Poole/nucast kit built locomotive that came into my collection a couple of years ago, one of those models that needed a home, some tlc and lots of horrible black paint removed.

Unfortunately underneath the glue that had need used to hold the body together has rotted so all that was holding the loco together was the thick paint. So at that point I resolved to fully rebuild it. A new chassis was developed for this loco by my friend Peter at 52F models see Nigel's @James Spooner thread for his very fine build of this chassis under an F6. The one here is the prototype and has some flaws but has been made very workable. But after the chassis test build that's where the project stopped as I got distracted by a certain single wheeler ....

So to last night...

I was at the workbench looking through the parts for 253 and came across the spectacle plates that were incorrect in that kit and Iain Rice had to include and extra etched sheet with the correct ones on which I've used in that build. But these leftover parts turned out to be a perfect fit for 663.

So I queued the music and got cracking...


I'm pleased with the fact she now has a proper cab and is starting to look like a loco. How much more will I do given the B32 is a higher priority and the layout ever more so.... Who knows but hopefully she will tick a long in the background.

Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
A plethora of parallel projects

Where shall we start?

So on Skeetsmere the control wires on the mill board are now in place
These two will operate the signal.... More on that later.

With that complete I've taken the opportunity to glue the landforms into the baseboards. A proper layout at last! It always helps to have a stack of heavy books on hand....

There's a little bit of work to align the rails between boards and then it is on to the busman's holiday of wiring the layout.... I can't wait. NOT!

In other news 663 the M15 is going from strength to strength I've finally found a way to secure chassis to body

That's allowed me to make up the front buffer beams

And fix the boiler in place. Although there are some pretty large gaps to be filled.

Talking of kits that don't fit together very well. Progress is still being made with 253. Here follows a cautionary tale about smoke boxes. To get the GER style smoke box with the brass bead around the rear the smokebox is made up from 3 laminated wrappers!

And yes you guessed it with thick boiler tube it's been murder to get all 3 soldered together.

You then have to solder the smokebox front on only to find the thing has been designed asymmetrically! (NB I compared notes with a friend and I can confirm it is all the Riceworks buckjumpers that suffer this fault).

Much filing later and it's all sorted.... Now just have to attach all these bits together....


Phew I think that's everything!

Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
And the rear buffer beam goes on

663 sits on the level crossing of Burnt House Lane (yep the name of the real road that runs through real Skeetsmere).

Large tank locos like 663 are rather unsuitable for the layout but they do fit in the run round. So I can still play with them on this until a more appropriate setting can be constructed

Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
So I've spotted an issue..

What is it with all these old white metal kits? First the wills buckjumper and now the F tank.... Sitting 663 next to the Gibson F5 in my collection I've realised that the cab openings on 663 are too small.... Need to get a drawing out and compare but I fear a lot of filing coming....


Western Thunderer
So I've spotted an issue..

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What is it with all these old white metal kits? First the wills buckjumper and now the F tank.... Sitting 663 next to the Gibson F5 in my collection I've realised that the cab openings on 663 are too small.... Need to get a drawing out and compare but I fear a lot of filing coming....

Could it also be that the tanks are too tall as well? I don't know anything very much about GER 2-4-2Ts, but the whitemetal one does look a bit NER to my eyes? An F8 in LNER terms? LNER Encyclopedia: The LNER T.W.Worsdell F8 (NER Class A) 2-4-2T Locomotives


Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
Could it also be that the tanks are too tall as well? I don't know anything very much about GER 2-4-2Ts, but the whitemetal one does look a bit NER to my eyes? An F8 in LNER terms? LNER Encyclopedia: The LNER T.W.Worsdell F8 (NER Class A) 2-4-2T Locomotives

Well the F4 and F8 are basically the same thing designed by the same person for two different railway companies within the space of a few years. Slightly different wheelbases but almost identical other forms. This is the same for a few NER/GER classes. One of my other planned projects is to cut and shut a G5 into a G4.

I think the issue with the old poole kit is that it is really the greatest hits compilation of the GER radial tanks . It has the high tanks of an F6 but the cab style of an F4 which has been squashed so it 'looks right'. So I may have to reprofile the tanks as well.... I've done it on the buckjumper so hopefully this should go equally easy I hope


Western Thunderer
Well the F4 and F8 are basically the same thing designed by the same person for two different railway companies within the space of a few years. Slightly different wheelbases but almost identical other forms. This is the same for a few NER/GER classes. One of my other planned projects is to cut and shut a G5 into a G4.

I think the issue with the old poole kit is that it is really the greatest hits compilation of the GER radial tanks . It has the high tanks of an F6 but the cab style of an F4 which has been squashed so it 'looks right'. So I may have to reprofile the tanks as well.... I've done it on the buckjumper so hopefully this should go equally easy I hope

I hadn't checked that it was the same Wordsell! I can't help but think that starting again in brass or nickel (or even plastic!) sheet might be easier.


Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
So this is going to be a laborious task.

As I mentioned before the landform of skeetsmere is made from layers namely, and in order:

Templot print out
Lining paper

As a combination it works but isn't perfect.

What's happening around the layout is the tension in the track, wiring and control wires is lifting the top Layers. Basically the lesson is.,.. don't use prit stick.... Please can no one remind me I wrote my dissertation on stresses in adhesive joints!


So what I'm doing is very carefully flooding the trackwork and paper layers beneath with a dilute PVA glue with a sprinkling of IPA to allow it to percolate better

IMG_20240531_063656922.jpgit takes about 48hrs to go off and I'm only bald to do a small section at a time as I have limited cable reels to hold everything down with

Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
Almost little or no modelling has been done this week.
A weekend away in the Yorkshire dales go Nd us amongst other things enjoying some vintage traction on the Embsay and Bolton Abbey Railway which was lovely. But I returned to Newcastle for 2 nights then found myself heading back south for smart factory expo at the NEC (works outing)
Passing the 02 at York on Tuesday reminded me that I have a kit for one on the shelf awaiting completion.... Which leads me on to today's post which frankly has nothing to do with any of the current projects but answers a question I get asked quite a bit: Are you a modeller or a collector?

Well I suppose I'm both.... So given the amount of waiting around I'm having to do today here is some musings on collecting and what and why I collect things.

Obviously the first thing to note is I enjoy the chase, the hunt, the spotting of a bargain. Something none of us can resist. But also I find myself drawn to kit built locomotives in particular. Even if there are flaws and issues I appreciate the craftsmanship far more than the factory finish of an rtr toy. With a model like this F5 someone has put hours of Thier life into constructing this and although the chassis is really crooked the body is lovely and just needs some details tweaked and some blue paint

Some enter the collection knowing that a more drastic conversion awaits them. The thought with this G5 is that it will be cut and shut into a G4. The chassis is right just needs tweaks to the body

Away from the GER I'm still fascinated by the development of the steam locomotive during the Victorian era and one or two items are slipping into the collection that suit the time period but may not quite suit my regional preferences. That said I'm a sucker for almost anything in the Midlands Johnson styling be it pure Johnson or converted Kirtley. This little beauty just needs some chassis work, repairs to the details, a proper Johnson smoke box door fitted and the rather post box red toned down.

Not an east Anglian loco you may think but one was photographed at Cromer beach so there's the excuse!

Very much am east Anglian locomotive but one out of time this is actually a read to run hornby offering but came into the collection damaged and unloved. Will be remembered and renamed Clumber after the now national trust estate which happens to be where we always stop for lunch on the drive to and from Norwich

I freely admit that I have a few 'out of time' eastern models but like them so that's that. They do fill gaps in the locomotive story of that region. Also I just couldn't resist this marvelous B12/2 that someone has lovingly scratch built. I don't have to do much here just a few extra details EM axels and finish the livery. I'm really honoured to be the custodian of this beauty.

As I am of this one. The sole K1/1 which although the livery is damaged on the far side it runs like a sewing machine and in EM as well. A credit to whomever built it. Probably will go back to late LNER black and #1997 as that is the period she was stationed at Norwich

This McGowan V1 is also a beauty and weighs a canny bit. Like most of the models awaiting work most of that will be in the chassis department

There's some that I'm not sure what to do with? I could keep this as a lswr loco as the kit intended or could use different parts of it as starting points to scratch build two locos of GER original.... I wonder what is appropriate?

Another nearby pre groupie is the GNR and given that it shared joint lines with the GER it would be rude not to include it. This EM GNR J22 sold for almost nothing which is surprising given the quality of the workmanship. The plan is to repaint it in GNR green with a couple of tweaks to change the details.

But it's not just EM kitbuilts that don't sell well this lovely K3 came to me as at a bargain in comparison to the RTR versions but just look at how beautiful that is! Some talented individual has spent hours and hours on that. I'm glad I'm able to give it a home and I hope to have it running before to long.

And yes even I have a couple of GWR models hanging around. I do love the aesthetic of the earlier machines particularly the 517s... This poor little mite has a buckled chassis so needs quite a bit of work to put right. It can come out for a run in future on gala days

Another with a damaged chassis is my favourite of the whole collection this beautiful D16/2. Which was almost in the scrap bin when I took it on given it's seised mechanism. But oh what a beauty. Just need to get round to building a brand new chassis. It also needs renumbering as 8868 was never a D16/2

So where am I going with this?

Well a few modellers talk in the negative about the pile of projects yet to complete and admittedly until recently I used to see it as a to do list, a burden something I would criticise myself for not making progress with. But maybe it's something to give hope. After all the worst day is the day when the modelling projects draw is empty and there is no more to do.

Also collecting kitbuilts models provides inspiration for projects but it's also a great way to learn from other modellers, I've learned so much about how to build things and how not to build things from restoring older models.

So to paraphrase this terrible terrible terrible slogan from a recent trade fair... Is collecting a stockpile of projects.... Futuring personal wellbeing?

Don't worry normal canary sidings service will be resumed soon but in the meantime I would welcome your thoughts on collecting and collections?
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