7mm The Derby Line - Rolling Stock

Ian Rathbone

Western Thunderer
I wasn’t aware that BR specified cab interior colours as it wasn’t a ‘public’ area. The various works continued with the schemes of the previous companies, eg. Ex LNER & GWR - body colour, ex LMS - black below waist & white above (as the L& Y loco above) & ex SR - black below waist and light stone above.

I would love to see some evidence that I’m wrong, but I’ve not seen any yet. Another thing that bugs me about cab interiors on models (and preserved locos) is the painting of control handles and wheels red. It never happened, they were either unpainted brass, bronze, iron, steel or wood or, if painted, they just matched the rest of the cab (again see above photo). One exception is that at some point in the twenties or thirties the GWR specified Venetian Red for regulator levers. Venetian Red is red oxide.

Ian R


Western Thunderer
Nice to see the L&YR cab interior, as it adds to my earlier remarks. I fired these 'A-Class' loco regularly when not on an Austerity 2-8-0 as well as getting downright dirty disposing them. When I was told to empty all the coal from 52322's Tender, I presumed at the time is was going for attention and had no idea it had been withdrawn. Jock, the night and weekends shed foreman got me to work Sundays to make Lees MPD look busy and boost my wages, so emptying the Tender occupied my time! On midnight to 8am shifts, he put me with the firelighter plus I was shed turner, so I got to drive whatever was on shed. For me it was a proper job after messing around in a rock group for two years, but round-the-clock shifts messed with other teenage activities.
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Western Thunderer
Thank Chaps -
I always enjoy reading your comments.

I've been battling my way through this dreadfull kit, and it's on it's wheels at last. Washout covers are No1 Shop. A5's were synonymous with the Derby Line in the 50s, so this loco will be a valuable addition to the fleet.

The handrail was moved lower in later years , but the previous studs seemed to be left in place.

There is still the cab ventilator to add on the roof..

What to say about the frames, the plunger pick up holes were in the wrong place, so I plugged them and drilled new ones. The brakes in the kit etch bore no resembalance to an A5, fortunately, there were some brakes on the somewhat over etched frame fret. The brake stretchers are David Andrews ones left over from the J11. I had to scratch up the bogie spacer, the on in the kit had the fold etches made too narrow, so it could not be folded up square. The springs will have to do, unles I can find suitable replacements - again - only 4 on the chassis etch!

Merry Xmas everyone!


Western Thunderer

We have some whitemetal ones that may well do.

I'll find some and post as a Christmas present!

Thank you Dave -

The springs themselves are 3'6" long.

Do you have a casting for the dome shaped thing on the tank top? Some sort of balancer perhaps..

Please let me know what i owe you!



Western Thunderer
Thanks for those excellent pictures Mick. I've nothing in the spare castings box that would do it - so a print would be much appreciated!

Once I've finished the frames the next job will be to work from back to front adding the remaining detail on the body.

And if you've got a good picture of that roof ventilator....



Western Thunderer
Thanks for those excellent pictures Mick. I've nothing in the spare castings box that would do it - so a print would be much appreciated!

Once I've finished the frames the next job will be to work from back to front adding the remaining detail on the body.

And if you've got a good picture of that roof ventilator....


It shall be so #1. Can you let me know the tank width so I can scale as best I can for the fitting please.

Cab ventilator is from the same two shots but I've enlarged them a little.



Looks like two U shaped runners and a simple sliding cover.

Note also the two small openings on each side of the roof rear near the gutter and the pipe just poking through, those are the rear tank vents.

The first photo (BR) actually looks like a little pocket in the roof with a flat base for the pipe to exit, the second photo (LNER) looks like a simple hole in the roof for the pipe.


Western Thunderer
Thanks Mick - I thought it looked like a lifting eye at first!

The second loco is from the LNER batch Tim - and right left hand drive. So there are quite a few detail differences!


Western Thunderer
I've done two so pick the best you think looks right and bin the others.

There's a 2 mm fixing hole in the bottom so stuff a bit of 1.6 mm rod in the tank top to locate, flat on flat bonds never seem to work long term for me. The 1.6 gives some wriggle room and a cavity for the adhesive to bond better.




Western Thunderer
On the home straight with the body - adding details. Sliding cab ventilator added as well as the vent pipes in the back corners. Chimney ( Gladiator/Mike Hopkins ) , dome and smokebox door to be fitted properly. Tank stays, kink in the ejector pipe to clear the filler cap. The front cover is now fitted since this picture as well as ragstone sand filler caps. The ejector pipe brackets are filed down JLTRT GW ones! Just the lamp irons and steps and a few other details required to finish off.. It's turning in to a Dunhill build, cab roof, rear bunker, boiler, firebox and smokebox all scratch built..