HO The revised Neider Stutzendorf .-

Roger Pound

Western Thunderer
The story of Neider Stutzendorf in general has been dragging along in Area 51 for some time now. At long last I have it under construction, the track work is for the most part laid, so I thought it proper that I should move to this section of the Forum instead. The scheme has undergone many revisions as can be seen by reading the original thread in Area 51 so I will not bore you further with them. Suffice to say the layout will now be terminal to fiddle yard, the station being reasonably closely based on that of Scheidegg-Allgau, albeit compressed a little. The originally intended H0e feature is abandoned and will ultimately appear as an separate layout - so far it may well be called Stutzenberg - I am singularly lacking in inventiveness on names......... :confused:!

As mentioned, the track is laid, wiring is about to be started.This involved the purchase of some new electrofrog points, which after consideration I decided to operate with my faithful and long serving Caboose Industries point levers. I dislike wiring and the additional work created by solenoids, centre-off switches and the associated work of installation does not endear me to changing my system of point control - after all, if it ain't broke, etc.,etc :thumbs:. As my friend and mentor, the late Phillip Hancock said in one of his articles, hand operated points do give one a feeling a really being 'in touch' and part of the railway.

Everything now takes me a great deal of time to complete, but on the bright side the medics seem to feel they have got things as good as they can be and I have just been discharged from monthly reviews by the cardiac team. The vascular team told me some time ago I was not fit enough to undergo any surgery so my aortic aneurysm stays as it is and nature will take it's course. Thus all jobs, even modelling, have to be carefully assessed and are now usually done so slowly that the proverbial paint has dried before I finish.....:)).

Well you have to laugh, don't you?

A final apology for the lack of pictures - I'm currently having trouble loading pictures on to my laptop, so for the moment I crave your indulgence and trust that you will take my word for the sluggish progress, as and when. I hope to sort things out, with the aid of my grandson (who else?) in short order. I will record the progress as soon as I can. I will also hopefully not burden you with further details in the medical field, either.

So, until next time

Roger ;).

Roger Pound

Western Thunderer
Just a tiny update - first the good news which is track work is now entirely completed with point levers in situ, tested and working. Next I have to commence the dreaded wiring........ :eek: ! But still, no wires,equals no trains so I must bite the bullet. The bad news is that it may be some little time before I can get the importing of photos working on my lap-top as my grandson is in the throes of moving house and his spare time is fully occupied at the moment. However, let us finish the news from Stutzendorf with some brighter information. Having decided some little time back - see the original thread - that post-war DB early period, roughly in the steam/diesel transition, offered me more variety certain steps were taken. Today saw the welcome arrival of a VT98 two car rail-bus and a Br212 BB diesel 'on site'. Both items are by Roco and in the maroon livery which is my personal favourite of the many livery permutations from DB.

These particular classes have pleasant memories for me. In 1983 I travelled on a three car VT 98 set from Karslruhe to Heilbronn. A truly local train and a real experience for me. During the same visit to Germany I also travelled from Darmstadt behind a Br212 to a junction whose name now escapes me. Suffice to say it had a hyphenated name and from there I went once more to Heilbronn behind a Br 218, via Eberbach. Happy times, now long gone ;).

More news in due time, my friends.

Roger :thumbs: .