Prototype Tim Mills' Photos


Western Thunderer
Thank you Dave @Yorkshire Dave for all that additional shipping/train service info. That's all added to what has become a quite extensive file about those three photos.

Thanks for shortening the list of possible candidates in the photo of the unidentified Princess Coronation, Arun. Updated in the file attached to the photo.

Then Larry - an interesting observation for sure.

As for possible name connections, vehicles and gravy - thanks for lightening the mood Tim @timbowales, Simon @simond and Barry @Barry37.

Another loco we’ve seen on these pages previously, most recently in post #2804, is A1 60136 Alcazar seen here on a down York and Newcastle train at Potters Bar on 3rd June 1962. It was a Doncaster engine and had been since since April 1959 being withdrawn from there on 22nd May 1963. (SLS). It lasted barely a week thereafter being scrapped at Doncaster Works by 29th May. (BR Database).

img3273 Neg Strip 65 60136 down York & Newcastle Potters Bar 23 Jun 62 copyright Final.jpg

An unidentified B1 4-6-0 on a down Cleethorpes train at Potters Br on 23rd June 1962.

img3274 Neg Strip 65 unknown B1 down Cleethorpes Potters Bar 23 Jun 62 copyright Final.jpg

B1 61374 on an up Butlins Holiday Camp Express from Filey at Potters Bar on 23rd June 1962. The loco went to Immingham when new in 1951 where it was withdrawn in September 1963. (SLS). It was scrapped at Cashmore’s, Great Bridge, in March 1964.

img3275 Neg Strip 65 61374 up Butlins Holiday Camp Express ex Filey Potters Bar 23 Jun 62 copy...jpg

Class A1 60119 Patrick Stirling on an up Newcastle Rose at Potters Bar on 23rd June 1962. For sure this is a named train about which I have absolutely no knowledge! The loco was based at Doncaster from August 1958 and was withdrawn in May 1964 (SLS), going to Messrs Cox & Danks at Wadsley Bridge to whom it was sold in August the same year. (BR Database)

img3276 Neg Strip 65 60119 up Newcastle Rose Potters Bar 23 Jun 62 copyright Final.jpg

By way of bonus pictures today are some traction engines. Good fun, traction engines, but yet another subject about which I have very limited knowledge. Comments will be appreciated.

img3956 TM Traction Engines copyright Final.jpg

img3957 TM Traction Engines copyright Final.jpg

img3958 TM Traction Engines copyright Final.jpg



Western Thunderer
With my pedant's hat firmly on bonce, strictly speaking the middle photo seems to not be a traction engine but a portable engine? The towing hitch and the untyred wheels seem to point that way
Pedants hat removed.......


Western Thunderer
The prototype is a rail beer tank - will try to find the photo

The wheels, and lashing points, suggest that this trailer was intended to go on a rail wagon, like the milk tankers, and I have a memory of seeing such a photo on here

(clipped from above website for illustration, copyright presumed to be with Simonds family)

no relation, of course!

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Martin Shaw

Western Thunderer
Class A1 60119 Patrick Stirling on an up Newcastle Rose at Potters Bar on 23rd June 1962
I've never heard of the Newcastle Rose nor can I find any reference to it in here
IMG_2331.JPGwhich is as about as definitive as I can get. There was however a White Rose which was a BR innovation and ran from 1949 until 1967. It was a service from KingsX, first stop Doncaster, to Leeds and Bradford. The up service left Leeds at 3.32pm calling at Wakefield and Doncaster, due into KX at 7.32pm so if Tim's photo is of it then it might be about 7.00ish in the evening. Willie Yeadon comments that it really didn't deserve named status, it was just too slow. The lack of a headboard is slightly troubling however a Doncaster engine fits with all the other photographic evidence so I think it may have just been misrecorded.


Western Thunderer

The wheels, and lashing points, suggest that this trailer was intended to go on a rail wagon, like the milk tankers, and I have a memory of seeing such a photo on here

View attachment 225163
(clipped from above website for illustration, copyright presumed to be with Simonds family)

no relation, of course!

That's a wonderful rabbit-hole there, especially for someone who worked in Reading for 5 years and lived in North Wiltshire for thirty-two years