Trevor Nunn RIP


Western Thunderer
As secretary of the S Scale MRS it is my sad duty to tell you that Trevor Nunn died yesterday evening at his home, following a minor stroke.

Trevor will be known to many as the builder of Wicken in the 1970s, and since the mid-1980s of East Lynn and Nunstanton, and later of Trowland.

Since joining the society in the 1970s Trevor held post as Chairman and later as President, always encouraging other members with their projects and building locomotives for many. A couple of years ago he decided that he could no longer do any modelling and so passed his layouts to other members of the SSMRS. These are now shown at various events round the country.

A more comprehensive obituary will be sent to the modelling press.

He will be missed by us all.

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Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
That's really sad.

I never had the privilege of meeting Trevor but East Lynn being featured in model rail woke me up to modelling the potential of modelling the Great Eastern and started me on the road I've taken everything since. His layouts and modelling have been a rock of inspiration. Saw trowland last year at the mid Essex show and it was just stunning.

We have lost a real artist

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
We were privileged to be able to host not one but two of Trevor's layouts at last year's SWAG Members Day. East Lynn Quay, in the care of Maurice Hopper and Trowland in the care of Rob Rayner were exhibited side by side.

Both were simply wonderful examples of just how good a small layout could be. The way in which all elements blended so well was testament to Trevor's craftsmanship.

Time to dig out the relevant MRJs and revisit those articles.
