Flying Squad
A quick update as a little progress has been made. Again a slight deviation from the standard kit build, as supplied the kit has a single fold up etch for the brakes, so there is no float in them and they would have to mounted with a fair gap to the wheels to avoid shorting. So I have always replaced brake blocks with insulated versions, original using paxolin sheet and then subsequently using laser cut plastic.
However just taken the plunge into 3D modelling and printing, one of the first experiments I decided to 3D print the brake blocks. I've spent a little time learning FreeCAD, FreeCAD: Your own 3D parametric modeler . Chosen following recommendations on here and I liked the choice and control over the files. Being open-source I can save the files locally and isn't restricted by the licensing terms unlike some of the other software.
I had started with version 0.19 to sketch out the brake blocks, it was going okay but padding out from 2D to 3D was tricky to generate the draft to represent the casting. However I then found out the the proposed new release 0.20 had an option to specify a taper on the pad to 3D. I was using a pre-release version but this has recently been formally released.

being able to specify a taper angle made it much simpler to replicate the casting draft and a matching taper to the coning on the wheels.

One of the items missing from the kit and need to be sourced elsewhere is the vacuum cylinder so that was another item to learn a little bit about 3D modelling.

For the brakes I took the etches supplied (on the right) and cut off the etched brake block representation (centre). Then folded them up around a strip of steel so that the lower hanger was separated to fit around the 3D printed brake block (on the left).

The vacuum cylinder I wasn't sure what size it should be so I drew up 3 different sizes, what limited online information I could find it there seemed to be a few standard sizes so I plumbed for a scaled 18", 21" and 24" diameter and printed all 3 off to see which would look about right. I think the 21" seems the best fit unless anyone can tell me any different.

However just taken the plunge into 3D modelling and printing, one of the first experiments I decided to 3D print the brake blocks. I've spent a little time learning FreeCAD, FreeCAD: Your own 3D parametric modeler . Chosen following recommendations on here and I liked the choice and control over the files. Being open-source I can save the files locally and isn't restricted by the licensing terms unlike some of the other software.
I had started with version 0.19 to sketch out the brake blocks, it was going okay but padding out from 2D to 3D was tricky to generate the draft to represent the casting. However I then found out the the proposed new release 0.20 had an option to specify a taper on the pad to 3D. I was using a pre-release version but this has recently been formally released.

being able to specify a taper angle made it much simpler to replicate the casting draft and a matching taper to the coning on the wheels.

One of the items missing from the kit and need to be sourced elsewhere is the vacuum cylinder so that was another item to learn a little bit about 3D modelling.

For the brakes I took the etches supplied (on the right) and cut off the etched brake block representation (centre). Then folded them up around a strip of steel so that the lower hanger was separated to fit around the 3D printed brake block (on the left).

The vacuum cylinder I wasn't sure what size it should be so I drew up 3 different sizes, what limited online information I could find it there seemed to be a few standard sizes so I plumbed for a scaled 18", 21" and 24" diameter and printed all 3 off to see which would look about right. I think the 21" seems the best fit unless anyone can tell me any different.