Wildlife in the garden - Indian summer?

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
[On page 20 of this topic I have invited suggestions for a broader scope than was the case when this topic was conceived in early 2020.... nature rather than just birds, enjoyment wherever you find pleasure rather than just a garden]

This photo taken this morning, whilst looking at the garden for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. Needless to say that there were no other birds in sight at the time. I have never seen a hawk in the garden before so I am very keen to know the type.

First thought was Kestrel - possibly wrong colour of the back feathers.

Second thought was Sparrowhawk - searching the internet suggests this breed is migratory / summer visitors.

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Western Thunderer
We have Sparrow hawks regularly hunting our garden and surrounding fields, in fact I've seen them take a collard Dove and Blackbird on our lawn.
Also to be seen at height are the occasional Kite, Buzzard and a rare time was an Owl, type unknown, hunting at low level in the field.

Took this shot last year.


Although Sunday lunch may have been to big for or her.

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Max M

Western Thunderer
We have a male that is almost a daily visitor. Often stops atop a post that supports the raspberries. One slight movement from the house and it's off.


Western Thunderer

In my ignorance regarding these birds I'd always thought that the male and female looked the same, but now I know the difference, we do get a male visiting but had thought it was a different type of hawk. That blue/grey colouring on it's back is noticeable but he's always kept more distance and does not venture into the garden as the female does, tending stay over the fields side.



Western Thunderer
I just love the way this site flits from subject to subject.:)

It's wonderful light relief among the (wonderful) model building, painting and weathering.

I'm sad to say that certain other sites would find this an impertinence.


I've always considered WT like a 'Mates down the pub on Saturday night' which starts out with semi serious discussion and ends in mirth and harmless ridicule. :)).


Al Tait

Western Thunderer
We get a Sparrow Hawk in the garden quite often, along with Pheasants, Partridges, Buzzards and all manor of smaller birds. You always know when the Sparrow Hawk is about as all the other birds disappear, we've had Pigeon's splat themselves on the patio doors with a loud thud in the rush to escape!