@ndy Watson
New Member
My railway interest dates right back to the days when we used to run cross country on the disused Mangotsfield to Bath branch in the early 1970s - or, at the time, perhaps that should be hatred of railways! I did get over it and got in to modelling anything railwayish but over the years that has developed in to an overriding interest for Warmley, since I was born there, and all things Midland - even my local when I lived at home had a railway theme - The Midland Spinner (I did manage to find it in my heart to forgive the licensee who adorned this edifice to MR elegance with a green locomotive from the enemy but it was hard!). Now I stick mainly to 2mmFS although I do a bit of 4mm but in the 'awful' mix that is called OO finescale!
I have made a start on the Warmley model with baseboards and track formations built but progress is slow and, I am sure, we see my time out ;-}
I have made a start on the Warmley model with baseboards and track formations built but progress is slow and, I am sure, we see my time out ;-}