Gone for a Cuppa and some Modelmaking


Flying Squad
Maybe we are just not considered adult enough to engage in that sort of thing! Hell - if you work in the model business, irony informs your whole life!!!
I'm sure we are all "adult enough" but past experience has demonstrated on numerous occasions that we are also entrenched in our views and politics and sport always end up with people falling out with having different views. Whilst it is comforting that people feel they know people well enough on the forum to raise these comments but before it gets out of hand there are plenty of other forums and social media platforms to discuss current affairs. Plus the fact I have plenty of other things to do rather than monitoring the forum :D


Western Thunderer
This place has changed over the last few years from " I model seriously, but I don't take modeling seriously" to " I take modelling very seriously". I appreciate the difficulties the Flying Squad face, but could we all have a bit of slack in these strange times?
Simon T (not to be confused with Simon, of the brown coat, or Simon d, or .... zzzzz


Flying Squad
But has it really? Well I guess the answer is yes, or at least that is how it feels from your perspective.

Personally I think there is value to be had in a degree of discussion as to what we are all doing here and where is it heading etc, but whenever I have started any such thing It soon becomes evident that some of us don’t appreciate much questioning of anything!!

But I think today’s “issue” is actually to do with the avoidance of politics.

It isn’t as if one can’t find politics discussed or mentioned anywhere else - and this is fundamentally a (model) railway forum after all.

And it remains polite and kind, which is a credit to everyone who posts here.

Another Simon


Flying Squad
This place has changed over the last few years from " I model seriously, but I don't take modeling seriously" to " I take modelling very seriously". I appreciate the difficulties the Flying Squad face, but could we all have a bit of slack in these strange times?
Simon T (not to be confused with Simon, of the brown coat, or Simon d, or .... zzzzz
I really hope that isn't the case and if you have specific examples or issues please feel free to contact me directly and I'll try to balance it out. To me the forum has always been one of "craftsmen" - by that I don't mean people who are experts in their field but more trying to accommodate modellers who are "making stuff". There are several thread of not so serious modelling, Thomas the tank engine and other various levels of modelling, but to some extent this is down to the members feeling comfortable posting their efforts irrespective of skill level. We all start somewhere and I would hope that we'd all try to support modellers trying to improve. I do understand it is a problem and often its a criticism leveled at MRJ is that it puts people off modelling as they'll never achieve that standard of modelling. So what can we do better to encourage people to learn new skills?

On the other side I feel we do allow quite a bit of leeway and thread drift, aircraft related, feathered friends, garden friends and art related, all sorts of curio are welcomed, it's just politics and sport that cause 99% of the disagreements hence the encouragement to take those discussions to other social media outlets. Personally I use twitter to rant against the world (apcherrys7 if you start searching) and make my views known but do my best to keep that separate to this forum.


Western Thunderer
The original post was about having a laugh at the expense of all the miserable bastards we seem to have around us, nothing politically driven one way or the other, with all the crap going on at the moment being able to laugh at life doesn't warrant being cancelled out by one of them complaining, if anything we will laugh more !.

If you don't like it don't read it, there is stuff on here I don't read through either because it's not of interest or because I can't contribute but I don't ask for it to be taken down, maybe I should and be a miserable bastard !
let's take down everything that ain't S7 because that's what WT started out about.

Gone for another cuppa :D


Western Thunderer
I’m glad I’m not a mod.

I guess the question is “is it a bit of fun that will die a natural death in three days, or is somebody going to get the hump and WW3 will break out?” And like religion, politics & football, everyone has an opinion about that too.

“What a pointless (hopefully not stupid/offensive) post. I don’t care, I’m not going to join the debate, it’s not my scale/gauge/modelling interest. I’ll let them play, it doesn’t affect me if I ignore it“.

Simon (the one whose surname begins with D)


Western Thunderer
Simon, Adrian,
thank you for your considered responses, I'll try to do the same.

I felt that Cols post was just fun, gloriously silly and it made me happy. If it could be considerd polical, it passes the BBC test of being even handed! However, I felt that no political opinion was expressed on the thread. There was no Flying Squad communication before the thread was locked which I think is unfortunate. I am still unsure what John was referring to when he recommended Twitter. Things just felt heavy to me.

In my earlier comment on this thread I have in mind Cynrics idea, expressed by Phil Dyson in 28Ten, of the function of WT.
"for like minded modellers who didn’t take themselves too seriously".

Thankfully, we don't all think things the same way. Threads such as Graham's domestic wildlife are, in my mind, healthy for WT and I contribute despite having a completely different view of nature to Graham. I try to just comment in way that doesn't upset the thread starter, or even thread owner. As for the bunnies....;)

I was saddened by the responses to Simon's questions about the path for WT. Most of us don't like change and discussion of such can be upsetting. However, the population of WT will always change and it might help if we keep an idea of what WT is intended to do. I have no concrete ideas for Adrian other than can he get back some of the voices who have gone silent on this forum, accepting that people join and leave. Talking of which, I should bring my Ebbw Vale thread up to date.

All the best
Simon with a T.
PS. Interesting that Adrian goes to Twitter to shout at the world. I go there to read the work of the Open Souce Intelligence guys to see what is really happening in the world and say nothing.;)

Peter Insole

Western Thunderer
When I was mere youth, I decided that the only way I could make a living from my abilities was to become a commercial artist. What I failed to appreciate was my own inability to cope with the pressures associated with that industry. It took me a very long time (at least 17 years) to realise the old saying; "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" very much applied to me!

Skip forward to a new career in education, and on one occasion I was engaged to work for a group of charming pensioner students. During a tea break, several people gathered around and were obviously keen to discover a bit more about their "new boy".

While I was honestly answering one individual's question about my previous employment and explaining that "I was so glad that I had got out of that business ..." another dear lady suddenly, and very indignantly shouted at me; "There's nothing wrong with commercial art!"

I was momentarily stunned by the vehemence of that completely unexpected response, but when I replied "Oh, I'm sorry if I gave you that impression, but that's not what I said... I was merely suggesting that I personally didn't like the job!"

She would have none of it and continued to angrily insist: "It's too late now young man, you can't take back what you said!"

Her reaction really upset me, but I tried very hard to remain polite, utterly professional and not to let that show for the rest of the session. Despite my efforts, the mood in the room had cooled, and the class organiser appears to have held me responsible for causing an upset!

OK, I know some folk appear to relish conflict but I suppose that misunderstandings are otherwise a fact of life, and it is just not possible to get through without offending someone along the way?

I seem to be particularly good at getting it all wrong.



Western Thunderer
I'm late to the party and I guess I must have missed the controversial stuff. Whatever the catalyst I fully support Adrian's no politics stance here. Most of my friends broadly share my political views but some don't, however because I know them, I also know that these differences of opinions don't negate their good qualities, their innate kindness, their sense of right and wrong, their charity or their honesty. With others who I've never met, who I only know from their work on here, I'm left wondering what they're like as fully rounded individuals and it would be very easy for me to jump to the conclusion that X may be a brilliant modeller but also something of a tool based on a misreading of a particular political stance.

Though I'm always up for pointing out the stupidity or mean mindedness of certain political opinions, I find it far less stressful if this sort of stuff doesn't crop up and I can browse WT safe in the knowledge that it's a haven of peace in a tumultuous world and that I won't be called on to do battle with the selfish and foolish.

Richard Gawler

Western Thunderer
I think online forums work well for creative activities like model making. There is rarely a single “correct” way to make something and there is room for different techniques and different levels of ability. Online forums are good for photography too, which is good for me because I enjoy this as well as model making.

The corrective actions should be few and far between, for example if someone suggests doing something for a wrong or imagined reason, like centre of gravity in the final paragraph of my first post today. The forums work well for other pastimes and interests like gardens and pets and this should help us to understand each other a little better.

Online forums don’t work very well for showing how well models work so we use video and hopefully exhibitions.

But . . . online forums seem dreadful as a conduit for political debates. The arguments are almost guaranteed to get more and more heated, they rarely if ever find middle ground, and I wish people didn’t start them here at all.

Bottom line for me: re-read the Desiderata and then decide whether I really need to join in.

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Thankfully, we don't all think things the same way. Threads such as Graham's domestic wildlife are, in my mind, healthy for WT and I contribute despite having a completely different view of nature to Graham. I try to just comment in way that doesn't upset the thread starter, or even thread owner. As for the bunnies....;)
Nice one, Simon (the one with a T),

How about a change in the topic title so that you and others can broaden our view of how we see Nature? Suggestions anyone... along with appropriate scope ideas.

In passing, just what do we do with those cute and cuddly fluffy tails? I quite like them!

regards, Graham (who wears a Red Hat.... and we have not had that photo for some years)
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Western Thunderer
I'm late to the party and I guess I must have missed the controversial stuff. ............
Neil, you didn't miss anything controversial..https://www.westernthunder.co.uk/threads/the-next-prime-minister.11055/ just some of us having a laugh at other people taking the p**s out of how our politicians go about there business, but it seems we are not allowed a sense of humour and to laugh at these antic's as this in it's self has been deemed political, it could be any one of these democracies, monarchies, and authoritarian or totalitarian regimes.
No, don't laugh as we may get shut down ! :))
Col. ooops, got a go the kettles boiling.:D


Western Thunderer
It's a Hat? God, all these years I've thought it was a sock. My apologies.

A new title, suitable for those of a certain vintage? A Walk on the Wild Side?;)

As for some nature. My BTO news-o-gram reports that it is looking like it might be a wax wing winter. Some flocks have even been tracked by a scientist using an airfield radar. Should you get them, Enjoy.
I can quite easily feed such bits into your thread providing I attribute the source.

Simon, who is going for his tea!