A different Ixion Fowler...


Western Thunderer
Dave, Looking good. Glad you got it back together and working without problems. Is that a layout you have started without telling us?


Western Thunderer
Dave, Looking good. Glad you got it back together and working without problems. Is that a layout you have started without telling us?

The "layout" is the former extension to the layout I had been working on back in Melbourne. I felt that it'd be a huge waste to ditch every part of it, so I unbolted the blank board (with rubber/cork overlay across it) and started working on turning it into a basic scenic diorama and short test-track.


I have a length of brick wall that I'll eventually put into place as a break.


I don't like my phone's camera (new one coming during the week!) - this is the closest to capturing the actual body colour - most pictures make it look darker than it is!