Dublingham Goods Station


Western Thunderer
I must admit I hadn't thought of using other motors, the 1001 is exactly the same size as the Dublo half inch motor, it just needed an extra hole drilling underneath and both holes tapped 6BA to be a direct replacement.

I am going to get a rewound Dublo armature from Scalespeed to see how it compares.

In terms of originality, the 1001 feels more cricket, so with the Romford wheels and gears is more of a spiritual upgrade.


Western Thunderer
Ashford came and went without a hitch, was a very good show and I finally met @simond - nice to meet a WT person in real life. Paul Merton also was seen at the show, I overheard him say my layout was well presented.

The next show is the new Key Model World show at the NEC in a couple of weeks, should be interesting as it's multidisciplinary.



Western Thunderer
You never know, maybe Paul Merton is hiding pseudonymously on here too!

it was nice to say hi, and see the layout in the flesh.

There is something quite curious about “anomalies” if I might so describe your third rail, and, on Sheepbloke’s layouts, the TL couplers. In some places they jar terribly, in others they’re almost invisible unless you look. They just fit. I don’t know why or how. Anyway, IMO they just fit!



Western Thunderer
Thanks Simon, that's very kind of you to say. Many have said to me that they didn't even notice the third rail.

It would be funny if there were some celebs on here lurking!


Western Thunderer
The Key Model World show has come and gone, was an interesting show, definitely a worthy successor to the Warley show I think. I didn't really have much time to see the non railway stands, but some of the aero work was very impressive, especially when I overheard someone saying these massive aero models are classed a planes in CAA terms.


I still think other modellers have it easy considering there's no track, electrics and scenery. LOL!


Lovely O gauge layout, Grindley Brook.


Here's the big layout...


And finally me setting up, was my first ever show where I could park my faded red Vauxhall next to my allotted stand. I found the NEC organisation to be very smooth and everyone was very helpful.
