Overpainting Gloss


Western Thunderer
Advice required please!

At Telford Guildex, I bought 2 ready-built JLTRT Presflo wagons at a good price (much to Dikitriki's disgust!). My problem is that both the bright-yellow body and the chassis are painted with GLOSS paint, presumably enamel, but I'm not sure. I'd like to repaint then in BR bauxite, but am not sure how to prepare the surface.
  • Due to the shape of the body & all the attached parts it would not be possible to rub-down
  • Using a stripper, it would be impossible to clean-up afterwards
  • Sand-blasting might destroy the detail
  • Dunking in Caustic Soda would probably reduce the wagon to a kit!
I had the notion of carefully spraying thin coats of cellulose, which might "fuse" with original paint, but not sure . Has anyone come across this before?


Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
I wouldn't put cellulose over the top of enamel (especially if it's gloss!); it'll craze like hell!
A good wash with an abrasive cleaner such as Cif or Barkeeper's Friend, followed by a good-quality water-based acrylic would seem the best bet to me.

Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
I did the fronts of my 121 with JLTRT cellulose over Railmatch enamel & got away with it by speeding up the drying time. To play it safe though Tim why not just try blowing them over with enamel bauxite ?

Phill :)


Flying Squad


Western Thunderer
Thanks for all your suggestions!

I spoke to Ian Rathbone & Phil@hobbyholidays at Bristol on Sunday as well. I'm going to bite the bullet and clean them with Viakal and/or Barkeepers Friend, thoroughly dry them in the airing cupboard for a week or so, then airbrush one of them with several light coats of Precision Enamel, to judge the results. Depending on the result, I'll do the other one the same, or try an acrylic.
.......... I can only imagine what a horrible finish the gloss yellow must be........
The finish is actually very good - I promise to post some pics before & after


Modelling on a £1200 table.
Think I remember them Tim. They were pretty good as I can recall. I'm no good on the advice front though as I've had more painting disasters than enough... I like Phoenix as a preference if its any help...
