Photos with belief... some pointers

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
I am no photographer... famous words those. Here is a link to a recent posting to the New Street blog - just here - and this is a comment on improving photographs of models. I shall be interested to read about how people see this advice.

regards, Graham


That's a reasonably good article, technically speaking. Artistic photography is reliant on you, the photographer, seeing something others will find interesting or different, so is an art rather than a skill, although the basics can be learnt.

Technically, it is quite good. You should do absolutely everything you can 'in camera' to avoid image degradation – that means composition, lighting, focus and colour correction. Any corrections after that should be minimal, unless you're creating an effect or something artistic.

I either work in LAB or RGB (the more bits per channel the better). Any corrections are done in separate channels as much as possible. For example, the author mentions sharpening in the Lightness channel in LAB mode, but you also work in the Red channel in RGB for an equally subtle effect. Curves are absolutely the best way to edit an image.

I always avoid working with JPEGs, preferring RAW, PSD or TIFF images to save files. Because of the nature of how JPEG works, every time you save an image you destroy it a little more – how many times do you save an image while you're working on it? Next time you work on an image have a look at the Histogram – a typical image should consist of a good spread of tones (the vertical lines) and not be gappy.


Western Thunderer
Thanks for bringing the article to our attention. I found it fascinating and while the photoshop stuff went right over my head (Irfanview is as tech as I get) the arty bits made a lot of sense and will be easy to incorporate.